urbas / gg-hackathon-infra

Repository from Github https://github.comurbas/gg-hackathon-infraRepository from Github https://github.comurbas/gg-hackathon-infra

Quick start

  1. Create a provisioning ssh key and name it ssh_key:
  2. Install nix and activate the development environment with this command:
  3. Run terraform init and then terraform plan to see what changes will be made.
  4. If you're happy with the changes, run terraform apply -auto-approve.
  5. Terraform will print the IPs of all clients and the server. Take a note of them.

Once the clients are created, start Jupyter Notebook on all of them:

ssh -i $SSH_KEY ec2-user@$CLIENT_IP

# On the client:
tmux new -s gg-hackathon
jupyter notebook --port=8180 --ip=
# Take a note of the link printed by jupyter and detach from the tmux session with `Ctrl+B,D`



Language:HCL 85.7%Language:Shell 8.8%Language:Nix 5.4%