uprush / myvim

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Make my Vim like Sublime


curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/uprush/myvim/master/setup.sh | sh

The basics

  • escape : go back to normal mode (you know, this NOT so normal mode where nothing appears when you type)
  • escape i : enter insert mode, what you type is what appears on the screen
  • escape v : enter visual mode, you can visually select sections of code, both vertically and horizontally
  • y : “Yank”, aka “Copy”
  • x : eXterminate, delete current selection, weither it’s a line, a char or a block
  • p : wow, finally some command that makes sens : “Paste”


  • $ : get to the end of line
  • 0 : get to start of line
  • dd : delete current line
  • yy : copy the whole current line
  • u : Undo last action
  • . : (dot), repeat last action
  • o : append a new line below and get into insert mode
  • O : same, but this time line is inserted above the current line
  • :e js/newfile.js : open a new file in js directory, and get ready to work on it


Search for all files containing the word “users” anywhere in the app directory, recursively:

:vimgrep users app/ **

Search for all occurences of “users” in the current file :


… and then just press * go to the next occurence of “users”

Some of the cool things you get with this config

  • Control f : Toggle the NERDTree file explorer on the left
  • Control o / Control p : Go one buffer (== tab on Atom) to the left / one buffer to the right
  • Control s : Save. Cause I don’t know about you, but spreading my fingers all across the keyboard for “Escape : w” always sounded weird to me
  • Control q : Quit. Close the tab you’re in (ok, buffer with this Vim config), without closing the whole Vim session
  • Control k : Toggle Komments. Comment/uncomment a line or a whole block


  • copy/paste uses sytem buffer by default, so you can copy/paste from your browser directly into Vim, and the reverse
  • search results automatically open up in a new splited window
  • Swap files are not created (note that this could be seen as a bad idea… personnaly, not a problem)
  • Syntax highlighting for most common languages: Ruby, PHP, HTML, (S)CSS… and also HAML, Coffeescript, Pug (jade) and Vue
  • Autocompletion (using Supertab)
  • Auto closing quotes, brackets…
  • Basic auto indent + landmarks for indentation levels
  • You can still use the arrow keys
  • The mouse is usable (though you may consider visual mode, most of the time)



Language:Vim Script 96.7%Language:Shell 3.3%