upenn-libraries / marmite

Sinatra app for creating/retrieving descriptive/structural metadata, and other variant expressions of metadata for objects with information at separate sources.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Marmite is an ETL Sinatra application for creating and displaying harvestable metadata into various distillations for use by external services.

Table of Contents


  • Ruby 2.6.x
  • MySQL
  • An Alma API key with read access to Bibs API sourced to the $ALMA_KEY environment variable. Consult the env.example in this repository for an example.
  • Docker for production and docker-compose version 2 or higher


The application makes the following metadata formats available:

format mime_type description
marc21 XML descriptive metadata transformed from Alma bib and holdings XML payloads, with minor term transformations and fixes for ease of machine processing
structural XML structural metadata transformed from dla structural XML payloads, in Bulwark-compliant format
iiif_presentation JSON IIIF presentation 2.0 manifests

API Version 2

RESTful API to query for all available metadata formats. This API should be preferred over the previous endpoints. All request to this API are namespaced under api/v2.


Retrieves MARC XML from database cache, updating the cache if requested.


GET /api/v2/records/:bib_id/marc21
  • Path Parameter
    • bib_id: record's identifier (long or short format), required
  • Query Parameter
    • update: updates or doesn't update record based on the value provided, optional, valid values are:
      • always: explicitly refresh record
      • never: explicitly don't refresh the record
      • {number}: refreshes record when the last modification is older than the number of hours given


  • Successfully Creates or Updates Record
    • Status: 201 Created
    • Content Type: text/xml
    • Body:
  • Successfully Retrieves Record
    • Status: 200 OK
    • Content Type: text/xml
    • Body:
  • Record Not Found
    • Status: 404 Not Found
    • Content Type: application/json
    • Body:
       { "errors": ["Bib not found in Alma for {INSERT BIB_ID HERE}"]}
  • Error in Processing
    • Status: 500 Internal Server Error
    • Content Type: application/json
    • Body:
      { "errors": ["MARC transformation error: 1:1: FATAL: Start tag expected, '\u003c' not found"] }

Get Structural Metadata XML

Retrieves structural metadata for the given bib_id either from the database cache. This structural metadata is no longer being retrieve from an outside source. If a short bibnumber is provided, it is expanded and the xml returned will only reference the long bibnumber.


GET /api/v2/records/:bib_id/structural
  • Path Parameter
    • bib_id: record's identifier (long or short format), required


  • Successfully Creates Record
    • Status: 201 Created
    • Content Type: text/xml
    • Body:
  • Successfully Retrieves Record
    • Status: 200 OK
    • Content Type: text/xml
    • Body:
  • Record Not Found
    • Status: 404 Not Found
    • Content Type: application/json
    • Body:
      { "errors": ["Record not found."] }

Get IIIF Presentation Manifest

Retrieves IIIF Presentation Manifest for given identifier.


GET /api/v2/records/:id/iiif_presentation
  • Path Parameters
    • id: identifier for iiif manifest, required


  • Successful
    • Status: 200 OK
    • Content Type: text/xml
    • Body:
  • Resource Not Found
    • Status: 404 Not Found
    • Content Type: application/json
    • Body:
      { "errors": ["Record not found."] }

Create IIIF Presentation Manifest

Saves the IIIF Presentation v2 Manifest provided in the POST body.


POST /api/v2/records/:id/iiif_presentation
  • Path Parameters
    • id: identifier for iiif manifest, required
  • Body
    • JSON containing information necessary information to create IIIF manifest.
    • Required
    • Example:
        "id": "12349-0394", # Should match the identifier in the path
        "title": "An Amazing Item",
        "viewing_direction": "left-to-right",
        "viewing_hint": "individuals",
        "image_server": "http:/iiif.library.upenn.edu/iiif/2", # URL to Image Server
        "sequence": [
            "label": "Page One",
            "file": "path/to/file/on/image/server.jpeg",
            "table_of_contents": [
              { "text": "First Illuminated Image" }


  • Successful
    • Status: 201 Created
    • Content Type: application/json
    • Body:
      { Insert IIIF Manifest here }
  • Validation Failed (Missing information in request body)
    • Status: 500 Internal Server Error
    • Content Type: application/json
    • Body:
         "errors": ["Unexpected error generating IIIF manifest."]

Development Setup

Initial Setup

Start Development/Test Environment

  • Build development/test containers via Lando, run: rake marmite:start
  • Run rackup to start the application
  • Visit http://localhost:9292/ to learn available commands and endpoints.

Stop Development/Test Environment

To stop the Lando containers: rake marmite:stop

Remove (Clean) Containers

To remove Lando containers: rake marmite:clean

Run interactive console

To start up a Rails-like console run: bundle exec irb -r ./app/controllers/application_controller

Running the Test Suite

To set up test environment and run through test suite, run:

rake marmite:start
rake marmite:stop


This application uses Rubocop to enforce Ruby and Rails style guidelines. We centralize our UPenn specific configuration in upennlib-rubocop.

If there are rubocop offenses that you are not able to fix please do not edit the rubocop configuration instead regenerate the rubocop_todo.yml using the following command:

rubocop --auto-gen-config  --auto-gen-only-exclude --exclude-limit 10000

To change our default Rubocop config please open an MR in the upennlib-rubocop project.


To deploy Marmite:

  1. Create versioned tag in Gitlab via a GitLab Release. Versioned tags should follow Semantic Versioning.
  2. Update the image tag in the docker-compose.yml on main via a new merge request.
  3. Wait for image to be created via CI/CD pipeline. Check that an image for the tagged release is available in the container registry.
  4. SSH into deployment server and go to deployment directory. Development Marmite runs on colenda-dev. Production Marmite runs on mdproc.
    ssh username@server
    sudo su
    cd /root/deployments/marmite/
  5. Ensure that an .env file is present in the /root/deployments/marmite/ directory, and ensure that it contains any new or modified environment variables. The variables defined in this file will be present in the environment of the generated image.
  6. Update main branch on deployment server
    git pull
  7. Deploy application containers via docker-compose
    docker-compose pull (pull/update images referenced in docker-compose file)
    docker-compose up -d


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitLab at https://gitlab.library.upenn.edu/dld/digital-repository/marmite/-/issues.


This code is available as open source under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License.


Sinatra app for creating/retrieving descriptive/structural metadata, and other variant expressions of metadata for objects with information at separate sources.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Ruby 97.0%Language:HTML 2.2%Language:Dockerfile 0.5%Language:CSS 0.3%