upb-lea / LCB-CTB-01_Test_Board

Test board for the LEA Control Board (LCB).

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Test board LCB-CTB-01 for the LEA control board

This is the test board for the LEA control board LCB-CCB-01. It is used for testing an LCB to see if this works well. Please refer to the LCB-CCB-01 repository for a PCB and project overview.

Note, that you also need to install the LEA KiCad Library to view this PCB in this repository. To do this, follow the instructions mentioned here.

Test code working

By flashing the CTB_TestCode to LCB, all the GPIOs, ePWMs, and ADCINs can be checked visually with the help of LEDs.

The test code workflow:

  • Error LEDs
    • All Error LEDs are blinked one at a time starting from top to bottom.
    • This cycle repeats 3 times.
  • PWM LEDs
    • All four LEDs of the first row i.e. GPIO 145, 153, 161, 137 in PWM LEDs are blinked and followed by the next row till the last row.
    • This cycle repeats 3 times.
  • Hardware Error Detection
    • Hardware Error Detection is tested by setting a voltage higher than 3.0 V and then Q (GPIOxx_Errx) is blinked one at a time starting from top to bottom.
    • This cycle repeats 3 times.
  • Group-A to Group-H
    • The First LEDs of all the Group-A to Group-H are blinked and followed by the next LEDs till the last LEDs of all groups.
    • This cycle repeats 16 times.
  • Last, it checks all the ADCINs
    • DACs generate a linearly increased analog value which will be passed to ADCINs by setting the selection pins of Muxs.
    • ADCINs reads the DACOUT value, if the code detects any error/mismatch in data read by ADCIN to that of DAC generated value, it will light up the respective Error LED.
    • The ADCIN values are simultaneously sent to ePWMs, which control the brightness of PWM LEDs, making them gradually brighter.


Test board for the LEA Control Board (LCB).