up9inc / authentication-executor

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Auth Executor


A library for executing authentication flows.


  • Extensible - new authenticators can be added, as long as they conform to the BaseAuthenticatorABC interface
  • A wrapped requests library which exposes a to_har() function
  • Loosely coupled from the app (test runner, calibrator, standalone wizard etc.) and unaware of TRCC.


Custom Code

A python function which returns an authentication payload.


def custom_auth() -> AuthenticationPayload: 
  resp = requests.post('https://auth-server.com/token', json={'secret': 'MY_SECRET'})
  token = resp.json()['access_code']

  # Any print() will be logged as debug data
  print('Received token: {token}')

  # Note: you must return a valid AuthenticationPayload object
  return AuthenticationPayload(headers={"Authorization": token})


    // Base 64 encoded custom code
    "customCode": "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"

Basic Auth


    "username": "myUser",
    "password": "myPass"

Browser-Based (Auth Helper)


See https://github.com/up9inc/authentication-helper/#request

Note: If an auth helper configuration is provided to the library, it will convert the auth helper format to auth executor format, and ignore any other configurations that were provided.



    "headers": [
            "key": "Auth1",
            "value": "Bearer XYZ"


Assignments are a mapping between auth configurations and entities (services and endpoints).

Configuration Example

The authentication property of an environment profile may look like this:

    "assignments" : {
        "payloadId" : "customCode1", // Will be applied to all endpoints
        "services": {
            "TARGET_MY_TARGET": {
                "payloadId": "myTargetConfig1",
                "endpoints": [
                        "method": "get",
                        "path": "/myPath2",
                        "payloadId": "myEpConfig1"
    "configurations" : {
        "customCode1" : {
            "type" : "customCode",
            "spec" : {
                // See custom code spec
        "myEpConfig1" : {
            "type" : "basicAuth",
            "spec" : {
                "username": "strongUser",
                "password": "strongPass"
        "myTargetConfig1" : {
            "type" : "basicAuth",
            "spec" : {
                "username": "weakUser",
                "password": "weakPass"


The execution has two outputs:

  • An auth execution status (har, payload, used config) via the ApiClientABC
  • JSON format that's compatible with up9lib (modeler-generated tests)

Limitations & TODOs

  • Think if there's need for auth payload in a form different from headers (body, for example)
  • Add support for generic http request
  • Add support for oauth2, okta, auth0 etc
  • HAR format is partial, see TODOs in RequestWrapper
  • Auth Execution Id is created by the executor itself when it starts (via an interface). It'd be better to refactor such that it would receive the id. This can be done with no changes to the library itself, only by providing a different implementation of the ApiClientABC interface



Language:Python 100.0%