unstoppabledomains / reseller-demo

Home Page:https://unstoppabledomains.github.io/reseller-demo/

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Reseller demo flow

Link to our demo: https://unstoppabledomains.github.io/reseller-demo/

This Demo show in particular how others can use UD API to resell .ZIL domains

Enables domain purchase.

Requires: User email order parameters: payment any of: {type: ‘reseller’} - for reseller payback method {type: ‘stripe’, tokenId: } - for stripe payment method

domains[].name to be bought domains[].owner to own the domain after the purchase domains[].resolution resolver information on the domain name that contains a crypto address for each currency Returns: orderNumber to track the order status and form support requests to UD subtotal that reseller will be charged for the order items[] purchased: name of the domain type of the item (currently only ZNS_DOMAIN) Whether a domain is in the test space (aka reseller-test-*) blockchain.status of the transaction: “PENDING”, “MINED”, “CANCELED”.

The blockchain needs time before a transaction is mined. In rare cases, it is possible for someone to front run your purchase, which would result in an order being cancelled. We expect this to happen in less than 1 out of 10,000 cases. Blockchain doesn’t currently support any locking functionality for an upcoming purchase. Please make sure you are using the “Order Status” endpoint and wait until the transaction is mined.

The API currently supports a single domain purchase at a time. UD will extend support to multiple domains in the future.

Order parameters JSON Schema: https://gist.github.com/bogdan/f9911f4022c6441cbe40ff93811e1ea2 About JSON Schema: http://json-schema.org/


As a recommended payment method we suggest to use Stripe. You will need to obtain the stripe token and send it to us as POST request to https://unstoppabledomains.com/api/v1/resellers/udtesting/users/bogdan+testreseller@unstoppabledomains.com/orders


{ "order": { "payment": { "type": "stripe", "tokenId": "tok_1FAeVFG8PQyZCUJhJp7emswP" }, "domains": [ { "name": "reseller-test-udtesting-17829.zil", "owner": "0xa823a39d2d5d2b981a10ca8f0516e6eaff78bdcf", "resolution": { "crypto": { "ZIL": { "address": "0xe568f2BB42A77F6508911290d581B3Af107b1e4B" }, "ETH": { "address": "0x20B4564DEB7AF89ece828d843D0Ac2c16934a23e" } } } } ] } }
  "order": {
    "orderNumber": "-Lmz2FnYCUZdVe_foJ2M",
    "subtotal": 10,
    "test": true,
    "payment": {
      "type": "stripe"
    "items": [
        "type": "ZNS_DOMAIN",
        "name": "reseller-test-udtesting-17829.zil",
        "blockchain": {
          "status": "PENDING"

As an alternative UD trust resellers with any payment process they decided to go. If this is the case then reseller need to use the example bellow to make a buy call. We will contact reseller on a monthly basis chargin them for the domain they sold.



{ "order": { "domains": [ { "name": "reseller-test-udtesting-24287.zil", "owner": "0xa823a39d2d5d2b981a10ca8f0516e6eaff78bdcf", "resolution": { "crypto": { "ZIL": { "address": "0xe568f2BB42A77F6508911290d581B3Af107b1e4B" }, "ETH": { "address": "0x20B4564DEB7AF89ece828d843D0Ac2c16934a23e" } } } } ] } }
  "order": {
    "orderNumber": "-Lm9wiYytgrpf4YCWYv6",
    "subtotal": 10,
    "items": [
        "type": "ZNS_DOMAIN",
        "name": "reseller-test-udtesting-24287.zil",
        "test": true,
        "blockchain": {
          "status": “PENDING”




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