unnati2201 / my-first-website

Responsive Website

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Weblop is a project based on the present scenario of the development industry. This project is a demo of a web development business that is an ideal requirement for many clients and MNCs.

What it does

The working of Weblop is quite simple. It takes the idea from a client like what is their desire from their website and how it should look? After gathering all the information from the client we start working on the development of the website. We try to stick to a time limit and make the website cost-efficient.

How we built it

It is built on HTML and CSS with a little bit of JavaScript. First, I made a prototype of this website and then used HTML to build the basic structure. Then for the styling part, I added CSS. For the better reach of the website, JavaScript and glider files are used.

Challenges we ran into and accomplishments that we are proud of

The main challenge was, I didn't know JavaScript so I have to learn it from scratch. I learned the basics of JavaScript and the rest I learned during this project. The second problem was the glider file. It took me almost 2 days to find the problem with it. But in the end, I made it and I was quite proud of this accomplishment.

What we learned

Running a business is tough. I got to know about this while building this prototype and website. It's easy to build a website but when I think about how do people run a business it gives me a nightmare. So what I learned was it's easy to start but hard to maintain.

What's next for Weblop

What's next for Weblop? Well, I was hoping to give this site to some small business workers who work in the same field so that it could help them grow their business.



Responsive Website