univeous / gd-plug

Minimal plugin manager for Godot

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Icon gd-plug

Minimal plugin manager for Godot, inspired by vim-plug


This version is only compatible with Godot 4.x, check out godot3 branch for older version



  • Minimal
    • No dependencies other than Godot and git
  • Self-contained
  • Zero learning curve
    • Config file written in GDScript
  • Version freeze
    • Freeze plugins by branch, tag or commit
  • Reduce remote repository size
    • Dependencies can now be installed with just a single-line shell command
  • Clean uninstall
    • *.import files or import resources located in /.import that generated by plugin will be cleaned as plugin uninstalled
  • Multi-threaded
    • Parallel download/installation


godot --headless -s plug.gd {action} {options...}
  • Actions
    • init: Initialize current project by creating plug.gd at root
    • status: Check the status of plugins(installed, added or removed), execute this command whenever in doubts
    • install, alias update: Install or update(to latest version if not freezed) "plugged" plugins based on plug.gd, or uninstall "unplugged" plugins
    • uninstall: Uninstall all plugins, regardless of plug.gd
    • clean: Clean unused files/folders from /.plugged
    • upgrade: Upgrade addons/gd-plug/plug.gd to the latest version
    • version: Print current version of gd-plug
  • Options
    • production: Install only plugins not marked as dev, or uninstall already installed dev plugins
    • test: Testing mode, no files will be installed/uninstalled while files to be installed/uninstalled will be printed, mainly used with install or uninstall
    • force: Force gd-plug to overwrite destination files when running install command. By default, gd-plug will terminate installation of plugin when any of the file found to be overwriting user files.
    • keep-import-file: Keep ".import" files generated by plugin, when run uninstall command
    • keep-import-resource-file: Keep files located in /.import that generated by plugin, when run uninstall command
    • debug, alias d: Print debug message
    • detail: Print with datetime and log level, "[{time}] [{level}] {msg}"
    • quiet, alias q, silent: Disable logging


plug(src, args={})


  • Github repo: "username/repo", for example, "imjp94/gd-plug"


  • Any valid git url


  • include: Array of strings that define what files or directory to include. Only addons/ will be included if this option omitted. No expression(like wildcard (*)) supported yet.
  • exclude: Array of strings that define what files or directory to exclude. No expression(like wildcard (*))supported yet.
  • branch: Name of branch to freeze to
  • tag: Name of tag to freeze to
  • commit: Commit hash string to freeze to, must be full length 40 digits commit-hash ,for example, 7a642f90d3fb88976dd913051de994e58e838d1a.
  • dev: Boolean to mark the plugin as dev or not, plugin marked as dev will not be installed when production command given
  • on-updated: Post update hook, a function name declared in plug.gd that will be called whenever the plugin installed/updated. See Post Update Hook


  • gd-plug

    Install directly from Godot Asset Library


    Download this repository, move addons to your {project_dir}

  • git

    Download and install git

    git must be set to environment variable

Getting Started

Create plug.gd at your project root, as below:

extends "res://addons/gd-plug/plug.gd"

func _plugging():
    # Declare your plugins in here with plug(src, args)

Or run init command: "godot --no-window -s addons/plug.gd init"

Declare plugins in plug.gd under _plugging(), for example:

extends "res://addons/gd-plug/plug.gd"

func _plugging():
    # Declare your plugins in here with plug(src, args)
    # By default, only "addons/" directory will be installed
    # Proudly made by me too!

    # Tools

    # Unit test

    # By Zylann

Finally, run install command in shell

# --no-window is optional to disable godot window
godot --no-window -s plug.gd install 

Post Update Hook

Post update hook can be connected in 3 ways:

  • Declare in plug() argument
    • plug(src, {"on_updated": "post_update"})
  • Connect to update signal
    • connect("updated", self, "post_update")
  • Overwriting _on_updated function
    • func _on_update(plugin)

Post update hook always returned with one argument - dictionary that store information about the plugin

func post_update(plugin):
    print("%s updated" % plugin.name)

Version Control

What can be ignored from version control system?

  • /.plugged: Plugins' git repo are cloned to this directory
  • /addons: Based on preference, but now dependencies can be safely ignored since it will be managed by gd-plug

What should be added to version control system?

  • plug.gd: Dependency config file
  • addons/gd-plug/plug.gd: gd-plug's core

More Examples

For most of the case, a plugin can be "plugged" without any extra configuration, as by default gd-plug will extract whatever located in plugin's /addons directory and install to current project's /addons directory.

However, some plugin's repository may be structured differently, thus, different configuration needed.

  • Addon files are not located in /addons directory, for example, Master-J/DecalCo
    • Explicitly include the directory to install:

      plug("Master-J/DecalCo", {"include": ["decalco/"]})

  • Repository contains only addons files, for example, HungryProton/scatter
    • Change install_root to destination directory and include all files: plug("HungryProton/scatter", {"install_root": "addons/scatter", "include": ["."]})
extends "res://addons/gd-plug/plug.gd"

func _plugging():
    # Declare your plugins in here with plug(src, args)
    # By default, only "addons/" directory will be installed
    # Version freeze
    plug("imjp94/UIDesignTool", {"branch": "demo"}) # Always pull update from "demo" branch
    plug("imjp94/gd-YAFSM", {"tag": "1.0.0-stable"}) # Freeze to stable version
    plug("imjp94/gd-plug", {"commit": "7a642f90d3fb88976dd913051de994e58e838d1a"}) # Must be full length 40 digits commit-hash

    # Dev plugins, can be excluded or uninstalled with "production" command
    plug("fenix-hub/godot-engine.github-integration", {"dev": true})
    plug("EricEzaM/godot-color-palette", {"dev": true})

    # Post update hook
    plug("bitwes/Gut", {"on_updated": "_on_GUT_updated"})

    # It works even if the files are not located in "addons/"
    plug("Master-J/DecalCo", {"include": ["decalco/"]})

    # Repo that contains only addon files
    plug("HungryProton/scatter", {"install_root": "addons/scatter", "include": ["."]})

    # Source other than github
    plug("https://gitlab.com/Xecestel/sound-manager") # Gitlab
    plug("file:///D/Godot/local-project/.git") # Local git repo

    connect("updated", "_on_plugin_updated")

func _on_updated(plugin):
    # Override to catch all updated plugins
    match plugin.name:
        print("Use upgrade command!")

func _on_GUT_updated(plugin):
    print("%s updated" % plugin.name)
    print("Installed files: " + plugin.dest_files)

func _on_plugin_updated(plugin):
    # Catch all updated plugins with signal
    print("%s post update hook with signal" % plugin.name)

Known Limitations

  • Sometimes random .import files will be unable to remove, while the reason behind it still remains unknown.
    • Workaround: Read output for those .import files that failed to remove, and manually delete them.
  • autoload script references in project setting are not cleared as plugin uninstalled.
    • Workaround: Manually remove autoload scripts from project setting
  • Binary files in used by Godot can't be removed by gd-plug, when plugin uninstalled with editor opened. For example, Zylann/godot_heightmap_plugin's GDNative binaries.
    • Workaround: Quit editor, then execute clean command or manually remove plugin folder from /.plugged


Minimal plugin manager for Godot

License:MIT License


Language:GAP 100.0%