univalence / centrifuge

Data quality tools for Big Data

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Build Status codecov


Data quality tools for Big Data

  • Scala 2.11.7
  • JDK 8
  • Spark 2.1.1

See this video for in-depth coverage of the project

Quick start

centrifuge will be published to Maven Central soon, so when it is done you will be able to get centrifuge with adding this to your build.sbt:

val sparkV = "2.1.1"
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "io.univalence" %% "centrifuge" % "0.1"
Using Annotations

We import relevant libraries and define 3 case classes

package io.univalence.centrifuge.sql

import io.univalence.centrifuge.{Annotation, AnnotationSql, Result}
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import io.univalence.centrifuge.implicits._
import ss.implicits._

case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
case class PersonWithAnnotations(name: String, age: Int, annotations: Seq[Annotation])
case class BetterPerson(name:String,age:Option[Int])

Here we create 3 instances of Person

val joe = Person("Joe", 14)
val timmy = Person("Timmy",8)
val invalid = Person("",-1)    

Making a Dataset from the 3 Person we just created

val ds = ss.sparkContext.makeRDD(Seq(joe,timmy,invalid)).toDS()


ss.registerTransformation[Int,Int]("checkAge", {
  case i if i < 0 => Result.fromError("INVALID_AGE")
  case i if i < 13 => Result.fromWarning(i, "UNDER_13")
  case i if i > 140 => Result.fromError("OVER_140")
  case i => Result.pure(i)

Basic select

ss.sql("select name, checkAge(age) as age, age as ageRaw from personRaw").show(false)


|name |age |ageRaw|
|Joe  |14  |14    |
|Timmy|8   |8     |
|     |null|-1    |

This time using BetterPerson (a Person with Option)

ss.sql("select name, checkAge(age) as age from personRaw").as[BetterPerson].collect().foreach(println)

As expected


Now we include Annotations

ss.sql("select name, checkAge(age) as age from personRaw").includeAnnotations.show(false)


|name |age |annotations                                 |
|Joe  |14  |[]                                          |
|Timmy|8   |[[UNDER_13,age,WrappedArray(age),false,1]]  |
|     |null|[[INVALID_AGE,age,WrappedArray(age),true,1]]|

We now have annotations for each Person in the DataSet.

Let's take a look at what an Annotation is:

Annotation(message: String,
           onField: Option[String] = None,
           fromFields: Vector[String] = Vector.empty,
           isError: Boolean,
           count: Long)
  • message contains a relevant information
  • onField is the name of the field the message is from
  • fromFields is
  • isError is true if the data is not within acceptable values else it's false
  • count is the number of time the value has appeared for the same field

TODO / Roadmap

Integrate a reworked version of Excelsius in order to have a better DataFrame.show()

To go from

|name |age |annotations                                 |
|Joe  |14  |[]                                          |
|Timmy|8   |[[UNDER_13,age,WrappedArray(age),false,1]]  |
|     |null|[[INVALID_AGE,age,WrappedArray(age),true,1]]|


+|name |age |annotations                                     |
+|     |    |message     |onField |fromFields |isError |count|
+|Joe  |14  |                  ---                           |
+|Timmy|8   |UNDER_13    |age     |age        |false   |1    |
+|     |null|INVALID_AGE |age     |age        |true    |1    |
+|  ------  |EMPTY_STRING|name    |name1      |true    |1    |
+|  ------  |     ---------       |name2      |    ----      |

"-" is a placeholder and a better symbol/ascii art will be used


centrifuge is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Data quality tools for Big Data


Language:Scala 100.0%