unikraft / plat-digitalocean

Run Unikraft KVM images on Digital Ocean

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Unikraft Cloud Script

This script deploys unikraft generated KVM target unikernels on Digitalocean Cloud Platform


Copy the script to ~/.unikraft/

sudo cp config-do.sh ~/.unikraft/
  • Go to digitalocean's API > Applications & API > Spaces access keys and generate your access key.
  • Go to Account > Security > SSH keys and generate your sshkey/fingerprint.
    Put your spaces key and fingerprint in the config file.

Copy the script to /usr/local/bin

sudo cp deploy-unikraft-do.sh /usr/local/bin/

Please make sure that /usr/local/bin is in your PATH


You can directly run the script like -

Eg, ./deploy-unikraft-do.sh (If the script is in current dir)


Please make sure that you have a working digitalocean account.
If not, please create one (click here).

usage: ./deploy-unikraft-do.sh [-h] [-v] -k <unikernel> -b <bucket> -p <config-path> [-n <name>]
       [-r <region>] [-i <instance-type>] [-t <tag>] [-s]

Mandatory Args:
<unikernel>: 	  Name/Path of the unikernel (Please use "KVM" target images) 
<bucket>: 	  Digitalocean bucket name

Optional Args:
<name>: 	  Image name to use on the cloud (default: unikraft)
<region>: 	  Digitalocean region (default: fra1)
<instance-type>:  Specify the type of the machine on which you wish to deploy the unikernel (default: s-1vcpu-1gb) 
<-v>: 		  Turns on verbose mode
<-s>: 		  Automatically starts an instance on the cloud

Bug Report

For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


Run Unikraft KVM images on Digital Ocean


Language:Shell 100.0%