unicamp-dl / mMARCO

A multilingual version of MS MARCO passage ranking dataset

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mMARCO is a multilingual version of the MS MARCO passage ranking dataset. For more information, checkout our paper:

We translate MS MARCO passage ranking dataset, a large-scale IR dataset comprising more than half million anonymized questions that were sampled from Bing's search query logs. mMARCO includes 14 languages (including the original English version).

All files, including the translated triples, collection, queries (training and validation) and run files, are available in 🤗 Datasets.

>>> dataset = load_dataset('unicamp-dl/mmarco', 'english')
>>> dataset['train'][1]
{'query': 'what fruit is native to australia', 'positive': 'Passiflora herbertiana. A rare passion fruit native to Australia. (...)'}

The old/deprecated version (v1) of mMARCO is available at README_old.md

Released Model Checkpoints

Our available fine-tuned models are:

Model Description EN PT
ptT5-base-pt-msmarco a PTT5 model fine-tuned on Portuguese MS MARCO 0.200 0.299
ptT5-base-en-pt-msmarco a PTT5 model fine-tuned on English and Portuguese MS MARCO 0.354 0.301
mT5-base-en-msmarco a mT5 model fine-tuned on English MS MARCO 0.371 0.293
mT5-base-en-pt-msmarco a mT5 model fine-tuned on both English and Portuguese MS MARCO 0.374 0.306
mT5-base-multi-msmarco a mT5 model fine-tuned on mMARCO 0.366 0.302
mMiniLM-en-msmarco a mMiniLM model fine-tuned on English MS MARCO 0.382 0.277
mMiniLM-en-pt-msmarco a mMiniLM model fine-tuned on both English and Portuguese MS MARCO 0.374 0.299
mMiniLM-multi-msmarco a mMiniLM model fine-tuned on mMARCO 0.366 0.277

EN and PT columns refer to MRR@10 on the dev set of English and Portuguse MS MARCO, respectively.

How To Translate

In order to allow other users to translate the MS MARCO passage ranking dataset to other languages (or a dataset of your own will), we provide the translate.py script. This script expects a .tsv file, in which each line follows a document_id \t document_text format.

python translate.py --model_name_or_path Helsinki-NLP/opus-mt-{src}-{tgt} --target_language tgt_code--input_file collection.tsv --output_dir translated_data/

After translating, it is necessary to reassemble the file, as the documents were split into sentences.

python create_translated_collection.py --input_file translated_data/translated_file --output_file translated_{tgt}_collection

Translating the entire passages collection of MS MARCO took about 80 hours using a Tesla V100.

BM25 Baseline for Portuguese

The steps reported here are the same used for any language from mMARCO.

Data Prep

Using pygaggle scripts, we convert the mMARCO Portuguese collection into JSON files:

python pygaggle/tools/scripts/msmarco/convert_collection_to_jsonl.py \
    --collection-path path/to/portuguese_collection.tsv \
    --output-folder collections/portuguese-msmarco-passage/collection_jsonl

Indexing using Pyserini

Now we can index the Portuguese collection using Pyserini:

python -m pyserini.index -collection JsonCollection \
    -generator DefaultLuceneDocumentGenerator \
    -threads 1 -input collections/portuguese-msmarco-passage/collection_jsonl/ \
    -index indexes/portuguese-lucene-index-msmarco \
    -storePositions -storeDocvectors -storeRaw -language pt

As the original English set, the built index should have 8,841,823 documents.


Using a pygaggle script, we select only the queries that are in the qrels file:

python pygaggle/tools/scripts/msmarco/filter_queries.py \
    --qrels path/to/qrels.dev.small.tsv \
    --queries path/to/portuguese_queries.dev.tsv \
    --output collections/portuguese-msmarco-passage/portuguese_queries.dev.small.tsv

This script results a file with 6980 queries. Now we can retrieve from our index:

python -m pyserini.search --topics collections/portuguese-msmarco-passage/portuguese_queries.dev.small.tsv \
   --index indexes/portuguese-lucene-index-msmarco \
   --language portuguese \
   --output runs/run.portuguese-msmarco-passage.dev.small.tsv  \
   --bm25 --output-format msmarco --hits 1000 --k1 0.82 --b 0.68


Using the official MS MARCO evaluation script:

python pygaggle/tools/scripts/msmarco/msmarco_passage_eval.py \
    path/to/qrels.dev.small.tsv runs/run.portuguese-msmarco-passage.dev.small.tsv

The output should be like:

MRR @10: 0.152
QueriesRanked: 6980

Re-ranking with mT5

Finally, we can re-rank our BM25 initial run using mT5-base-multi-msmarco (or each one of the previous listed models):

python reranker.py --model_name_or_path=unicamp-dl/mt5-base-en-pt-msmarco-v2 \
    --initial_run runs/run.portuguese-msmarco-passage.dev.small.tsv  \
    --corpus path/to/portuguese_collection.tsv \
    --queries portuguese_queries.dev.small.tsv \
    --output_run runs/run.mt5-reranked-portuguese-msmarco-passage.dev.small.tsv

Using the official MS MARCO evaluation script to evaluate the re-ranked results:

python pygaggle/tools/scripts/msmarco/msmarco_passage_eval.py \
    path/to/qrels.dev.small.tsv runs/run.mt5-reranked-portuguese-msmarco-passage.dev.small.tsv

The output should be like:

MRR @10: 0.306
QueriesRanked: 6980

Training mMiniLM

An example of mMiniLM-based models training is provided in train_minilm.py script.

python train_minilm.py --output_dir ./mminilm-pt --language portuguese

How to Cite

If you extend or use this work, please cite the paper where it was introduced:

      title={mMARCO: A Multilingual Version of MS MARCO Passage Ranking Dataset}, 
      author={Luiz Henrique Bonifacio and Vitor Jeronymo and Hugo Queiroz Abonizio and Israel Campiotti and Marzieh Fadaee and  and Roberto Lotufo and Rodrigo Nogueira},


A multilingual version of MS MARCO passage ranking dataset

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 100.0%