uniba-ktr / ThesTeX

A LaTeX template for bachelor and master thesis

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LaTeX template for bachelor or master thesis.


Easy Initialization with GNU make

In the Makefile you may adjust the base variable to setup your git base directory relatively to the cloned directory.

First of all, run make to initialize the repository and execute the initial build. Thereafter, only run make in the cloned directory to recreate your pdf file.

Without make

  1. Remove the .git folder and the .gitmodules file to be able to create a new git repository
  2. First checkout all necessary submodules with git submodule init followed by git submodule update
  3. Create the directories graphic, code, images and content
  4. Copy meta/style/gitexinfo.sty, meta/style/gitinfo2.sty and meta/style/IEEEtran.bst to the root of your cloned directory.
  5. For versioning of your PDF files copy meta/style/gitinfo2-hook.txt to .git/hooks/post-checkout, .git/hooks/post-commit and .git/hooks/post-merge and make these copies executable.

Necessary Configurations

  1. Edit the config/metainfo.tex file to include
    • your name in the \author{} command,
    • the German title in \title{} and the English one in \subtitle{},
    • the submission date in \date{},
    • your desired degree in \newcommand\degree{},
    • your study course in \newcommand\studycourse{},
    • the name of your advisor in \newcommand\advisor{} and
    • the submission location of your thesis in \newcommand\location{}
  2. Modify \gittrue to \gitfalse in config/metainfo.tex to disable git versioning.
  3. Edit the \selectlanguage{} command in thesis.tex to setup the language you write your submission in. Possible options are
    • ngerman
    • english

Generating the PDF

Use latexmk to generate a readable document, or use make all of the Makefile. If You use texmaker, set latexmk as your default build command.

Cleaning Up

Run make clean or latexmk -C to remove the generated PDF and all temporary LaTeX files.


A LaTeX template for bachelor and master thesis


Language:TeX 80.1%Language:Makefile 12.6%Language:Perl 7.4%