ungdev / my-utt-mobile

UTT mobile app

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Requirement :

  • React Native with expo

Installation :

  1. clone repository
  1. copy config file and edit it
  • cp config.js.example config.js
  • nano config.js
  1. install dependencies :
  • yarn
  1. launch the app on expo :
  • yarn start

File Architecture :

  • /assets/* => all font, images, files used in the app globally
  • /components/* => all react components that can be reused multiple times
  • /constants/* => to be replaced by /theme/*, store theme information like colors etc
  • /navigation/* => handle app navigation, where the user should be redirected, not the actual content
  • /Bundles/* => all the app's bundles, for example, UEBundle handle everything about UEs. One folder = One bundle (see 'Create a bundle')
  • /node_modules/* => dependencies, dont touch it
  • /screens/* => pages, content, etc (other than bundles')
  • App.js => entry point of the app
  • app.json => app infos, like version (it's important to increase it when you publish a new version)
  • config.js(.example) => configuration file for globale static variables (like etuutt's link)
  • README.md => this file

Create a bundle

  • Create the folder Bundles/NameOfYourBundleBundle
  • Create the bundle entry point, usually "Main.js" in that folder
  • Do whatever you want in that folder, add tabs, functionnalities...
  • Dont forget to implement a return button on the top left corner to return to main menu
  • Go to navigation/AppNavigator.js => add your Bundle in the list
  • Go to navigation/MainMenu.js => add a button to your app with destination equal to the Bundle name in AppNavigator



UTT mobile app


Language:JavaScript 100.0%