unco999 / SpellLibraryLua

Spell library. Basic Dota2 abilities in lua.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repository is a collection of remade Dota 2 Hero abilities for the use of the Dota2 modding community by the Dota2 modding community

If you have any questions regarding the project or if you have found a bug/issue with the spells then feel free to create an issue.

Progress so far

Contribution & Guidelines

If you wish to contribute to this project then it is preferred if you could follow the following guidelines when contributing:

  • Abilities that are not written in LUA are not accepted

  • Lua scripts should be separated on a per hero basis

  • Use as many AbilitySpecials as possible, do not hardcode the lua file.

  • Don't use Global Lua Events, abilities should work without any main addon scripts.

  • Don't bother with completely dota-hardcoded interactions

  • Implementing Aghanims upgrades and casting animations is not neccessary

  • Implementing Refresher compatibility is recommended but not mandatory

  • Use default particles and sounds

  • If you find an ability that seems hard or impossible to rewrite, ask and document your attempts, others will help you

  • It is fine to use BMD's Timers and Physics libraries

  • Lua abilities should be saved as abilityname.txt inside scripts/npc/heroes/HERONAME/ folder

  • Lua scripts should be saved as abilityname.lua inside scripts/vscripts/heroes/HERONAME/ folder

  • If the hero of the written ability is not in the file activelist and npc_heroes_custom, then be sure to enter it there, following the example of what is already there.

  • If your ability uses a new dummy unit, then enter it in the npc_units_custom file

  • Make sure to enter the path to each ability in both the KV file and the npc_abilities_custom file

Follow this coding style:

  • For KV abilities names:

    • Start names with "ability_"
    • Then add the original spell name (no hero name)
  • For Lua functions

function AbilityName:OnSpellStart()
    -- Variables
    local caster = self:GetCaster()
    local value = self:GetSpecialValueFor( "value" )

    -- Try to comment each block of logical actions
    -- If the ability handle is not nil, print a message
    if self then
  • For Lua modifiers
    • Start names with "modifier_"
    • Then add the spell name (no hero name)
    • Add "_buff" "_debuff" "_stun" or anything when appropiate
modifier_ABILITYNAME_EXAMPLE = class({
    --Here you can enter all the functions that will not change during the game
    IsHidden                = function(self) return true end,
    IsPurgable              = function(self) return false end,
    IsPurgeException 		= function(self) return true end,
    IsDebuff                = function(self) return true end,
    IsBuff                  = function(self) return false end,
    RemoveOnDeath           = function(self) return true end,
    --To list here all the properties and events
    DeclareFunctions        = function(self)
        return {
    --Here all state
    CheckState				= function(self)
    	return {
    		[MODIFIER_STATE_HEXED] = true,
    		[MODIFIER_STATE_MUTED] = true,
    GetModifierModelChange 	= function(self) return "models/props_gameplay/chicken.vmdl" end
    --And so on

function modifier_ABILITYNAME_EXAMPLE:OnCreated()
	self.movespeed = self:GetAbility():GetSpecialValueFor("movespeed")

--Take out of the class only what changes during the game, such as increasing the absolute speed, as here
function modifier_ABILITYNAME_EXAMPLE:GetModifierMoveSpeed_Absolute() return self.movespeed end

Recommended resources

  • ModDota the great Moddota tutorial collection and API libraries
  • Workshop Tools Wiki the official Dota 2 Workshop Tools wiki
  • CustomGames forum with useful information where you can ask what you need
  • Standart Dota files You can take the names of all the sounds you are interested in from here


Spell library. Basic Dota2 abilities in lua.


Language:Lua 99.1%Language:Batchfile 0.9%