uncle-TT / Obstacle-on-Blind-Sidewalks-Dataset-and-Model-by-Tensorflow-2.3

This is an open source project on the deployment of deep learning to embedded microprocessors. The project establishes a data set for obstacle recognition of blind travel environment, and trains a simplified MoblieNet model in TensorFlow. Finally, the binary file of the model is deployed on the UNCLEO-STM32H7A3ZIT-Q development board to realize the function of obstacle detection of blind travel environment.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


这是一个在嵌入式微处理器上部署深度学习模型的开源项目。该项目建立了盲人出行环境障碍物识别的数据集,并在TensorFlow中训练了简化的MoblieNet模型。最后,将模型的二进制文件部署在UNCLEO- STM32H7A3ZIT-Q开发板上,使用STM32CubeMX和Keil5工具链编写软件功能实现了盲人出行环境的障碍物检测功能。


Tensorflow 2.3.0

您可以使用以下代码下载tensorflow2.3.0,或者使用更强大的anaconda工具包,可以从 清华源镜像站anaconda下载,安装说明看 anaconda3安装步骤

$ pip install tensorflow==2.3.0

目前ST官方也推出了自己的IDE工具包 STM32CubeIDE,编译速度快,内置STM32CubeMX,支持生成HAL库和LL库代码,推荐使用。当然您也可以选择以下软件包搭配使用。

Keil 5.32 -->ARM Compiler:V6.14 -->Optimization:-Oz image size

STM32 CubeMX 6.3.0

X-CUBE-AI 7.0.0 由 STM32 CubeMX 提供

STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.9.0 由 STM32 CubeMX 提供


本项目使用了ST提供的NUCLEO-H7A3ZI-Q开发板,板载资源丰富,主频280 MHz、2M Flash,1376KB SRAM,支持TFT-LCD、JPEG codec、Chrom-GRC™、可选的片内SMPS、双模Octo-SPI(支持实时解密功能) 本项目没有使用外部Flash和外部SRAM,所有功能都基于板载资源实现。









这个文件包括 MobileNetV2MobilenetV3 网络.


Mobilenet V3 Imagenet Checkpoints

所有的mobilenet V3检查点都经过图像分辨率为224x224的训练。延时都在毫秒级,除了大模型和小模型外,本文还包含了所谓的极简模型,这些模型具有与MobilenetV3相同的尺寸特性,但是它们没有使用任何高级网络块。虽然这些模型在CPU上效率较低,但在GPU / DSP上的性能要好得多。

Imagenet Checkpoint MACs (M) Params (M) Top1 Pixel 1 Pixel 2 Pixel 3
Large dm=1 (float) 217 5.4 75.2 51.2 61 44
Large dm=1 (8-bit) 217 5.4 73.9 44 42.5 32
Large dm=0.75 (float) 155 4.0 73.3 39.8 48 34
Small dm=1 (float) 66 2.9 67.5 15.8 19.4 14.4
Small dm=1 (8-bit) 66 2.9 64.9 15.5 15 10.7
Small dm=0.75 (float) 44 2.4 65.4 12.8 15.9 11.6

Minimalistic checkpoints:

Imagenet Checkpoint MACs (M) Params (M) Top1 Pixel 1 Pixel 2 Pixel 3
Large minimalistic (float) 209 3.9 72.3 44.1 51 35
Large minimalistic (8-bit) 209 3.9 71.3 37 35 27
Small minimalistic (float) 65 2.0 61.9 12.2 15.1 11

Edge TPU checkpoints:

Imagenet Checkpoint MACs (M) Params (M) Top1 Pixel 4 Edge TPU Pixel 4 CPU
MobilenetEdgeTPU dm=0.75 (8-bit) 624 2.9 73.5 3.1 13.8
MobilenetEdgeTPU dm=1 (8-bit) 990 4.0 75.6 3.6 20.6

Note: 8比特量化模型通过Tensorflow Lite post training quantization 转换.

Mobilenet V2 Imagenet Checkpoints

Classification Checkpoint Quantized MACs (M) Parameters (M) Top 1 Accuracy Top 5 Accuracy Mobile CPU (ms) Pixel 1
float_v2_1.4_224 uint8 582 6.06 75.0 92.5 138.0
float_v2_1.3_224 uint8 509 5.34 74.4 92.1 123.0
float_v2_1.0_224 uint8 300 3.47 71.8 91.0 73.8
float_v2_1.0_192 uint8 221 3.47 70.7 90.1 55.1
float_v2_1.0_160 uint8 154 3.47 68.8 89.0 40.2
float_v2_1.0_128 uint8 99 3.47 65.3 86.9 27.6
float_v2_1.0_96 uint8 56 3.47 60.3 83.2 17.6
float_v2_0.75_224 uint8 209 2.61 69.8 89.6 55.8
float_v2_0.75_192 uint8 153 2.61 68.7 88.9 41.6
float_v2_0.75_160 uint8 107 2.61 66.4 87.3 30.4
float_v2_0.75_128 uint8 69 2.61 63.2 85.3 21.9
float_v2_0.75_96 uint8 39 2.61 58.8 81.6 14.2
float_v2_0.5_224 uint8 97 1.95 65.4 86.4 28.7
float_v2_0.5_192 uint8 71 1.95 63.9 85.4 21.1
float_v2_0.5_160 uint8 50 1.95 61.0 83.2 14.9
float_v2_0.5_128 uint8 32 1.95 57.7 80.8 9.9
float_v2_0.5_96 uint8 18 1.95 51.2 75.8 6.4
float_v2_0.35_224 uint8 59 1.66 60.3 82.9 19.7
float_v2_0.35_192 uint8 43 1.66 58.2 81.2 14.6
float_v2_0.35_160 uint8 30 1.66 55.7 79.1 10.5
float_v2_0.35_128 uint8 20 1.66 50.8 75.0 6.9
float_v2_0.35_96 uint8 11 1.66 45.5 70.4 4.5


Apache License 2.0


This is an open source project on the deployment of deep learning to embedded microprocessors. The project establishes a data set for obstacle recognition of blind travel environment, and trains a simplified MoblieNet model in TensorFlow. Finally, the binary file of the model is deployed on the UNCLEO-STM32H7A3ZIT-Q development board to realize the function of obstacle detection of blind travel environment.

License:Apache License 2.0


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