unazed / simple-c-object-model

tinker project to implement a custom object oriented system in c

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tinker project to implement a custom object oriented system in c


Typical makefile build process; make generates the bin/object binary. For (unrecommended) integration into your codebase, the entire project is header -only, so you only need to include instance.h and continue to use the features as demonstrated in src/main.c.


As commented on in the tagline, this is just a tinker project designed by me to better understand how to develop an object oriented system, and likely develop my reverse engineering knowledge a little further by understanding fundamentals.

This is certainly not a statement against any object oriented languages, and my ultimate recommendation is to use your favourite OOP-supporting language to properly utilise object orientation.

I've purposely used macros almost exclusively because they allow redefining language semantics, and allow for making subsequent C code look a little more human readable when trying to write OOP.

header api

include/object.h declares all the macros that involve creating an object (or type, as the code nomenclature goes.)

  • create_type_from_struct(struct_, method_struct, type_name)

    This is the building block for the rest of the macros, it creates the initial structure that encompasses all the object metadata.

  • define_type_methods(method_type_list)

    In the end, this became more of a descriptive macro, which just plants method_type_list as is, but had prior semantics to allow methods to be placed under a nesting member structure.

  • define_method(ret_type, method_name, ...)

    To be used under define_type_methods: creates method entries in the internal object structure with corresponding metadata

  • declare_type_method(type_name, ret_type, method_name)

    Used after a matching create_type_from_struct declaration to match object method definitions to their proper declarations. This semantic was a compromise to having declarations be done with the define_method macro because GCC doesn't support nested functions outside of block scopes, unfortunately.

include/instance.h declares all the instance-related macros to do with run-time initialisation of objects, garbage collection and so forth. There are only two primary macros:

  • new_type(type_name)

    Creates a new object instance, and calls the initializer method (if defined.) Returns the instance object of type_name.

  • free_type(instance)

    Calls the finalizer method of instance and destructs the object, and its stub methods.

architectural analysis

I tried to keep a good habit of forwarding type definitions throughout the flow of the object definition/initialisation/destruction phases, but in reality the fact that the pivoting mechanism of the model depends on function pointers, and dynamically generated stubs to forward the self argument to the class methods clearly introduces a very poor type safety, and leans a lot on the end programmer to keep type correctness.

The largest drawback of the macro-heavy system is the large preprocessing penalty, as the given src/main.c will bloat to a magnitude larger than the source file post-preprocessing. And it also causes a bloated namespace, but name collisions would (presumably) be rare, and are easily curable by tuning naming macros in either header file.

My largest regret throughout the entire project was focusing on keeping the end code as clean as possible, with some regard for the actual header code, but in the end it became somewhat spaghetti, with no thanks to my extensive use of GCC extensions and obscure coding practice.

As usual:

extern unsigned char __start_trampoline_stub[];
extern unsigned char __stop_trampoline_stub[];

static void
__attribute__((naked, noinline, section("trampoline_stub")))
trampoline_hook_stub (void) {asm (
  "1: lea 1b(%%rip), %%r15;\n\t"
  "subq %[preamble_size], %%r15;\n\t"
  "movl %%r8d, %%r9d;\n\t"
  "movq %%rcx, %%r8;\n\t"
  "movq %%rdx, %%rcx;\n\t"
  "movq %%rsi, %%rdx;\n\t"
  "movq %%rdi, %%rsi;\n\t"
  "movq (%%r15), %%rdi;\n\t"
  "addq %[method_offset], %%r15;\n\t"
  "jmp *(%%r15);\n\t"
  :: [preamble_size] "n" (sizeof (__generic_preamble)),
     [method_offset] "n" (offsetof (typeof (__generic_preamble), method))

This is likely the largest culprit of incompatibility between compilers, platforms, standards, etc.. But, I have the most familiarity in programming with GCC, and so this is my preferred solution over an alternative solution bodging variadic arguments, and messing with the assembler/linker pair to prevent this function from being generated with rip-relative addressing to allow for regular C programming.

#define create_type_from_struct(struct_, method_struct, type_name) \
  __forward_decl_method_list(type_name, method_struct); \
  typedef struct BASE_STRUCT_NAME(type_name) \
  { \
    __define_internal_metadata (); \
    struct struct_; \
    __define_method_list_footer (); \
    struct method_struct __attribute__((packed)); \
    __define_method_list_header (); \
  } *type_name; \
  static struct BASE_STRUCT_NAME(type_name) BASE_CLASS_NAME(type_name) = { \
    .METADATA_ATTRIB.name = #type_name, \
    .METADATA_ATTRIB.method_list_offset \
      = offsetof(struct BASE_STRUCT_NAME(type_name), METHOD_LIST_STUB(footer)) \
      + sizeof (METHOD_LIST_STUB_TYPE), \
    .METADATA_ATTRIB.nr_methods = ( \
      offsetof(struct BASE_STRUCT_NAME(type_name), METHOD_LIST_STUB(header)) \
      - offsetof(struct BASE_STRUCT_NAME(type_name), METHOD_LIST_STUB(footer)) \
      - sizeof (METHOD_LIST_STUB_TYPE) \
    ) / sizeof (GENERIC_METHOD_ENTRY), \

This, being the crux of the header-only library as is, is deceivingly simple. We forward declare the aggregated methods the programmer defines to avoid having to nest methods under a named aggregate (like I originally planned to support) in any resulting instance, this is necessary for later mechanisms that need to keep type-correctness and preserve the method list's order in later accesses.

After defining the object's main aggregate, the matching header/footers demarcate the method aggregate to allow for later access via pointer arithmetic during run-time, where aggregate names may not be known or accessible.

The larger static structure, named by the BASE_CLASS_NAME macro defines the base structure that will be memcpyd to subsequent instances in new_type in order to preserve properties that could have only been set at run-time, and would otherwise require a lot of run-time gimmicking. The header/footer come in use in the simple pointer arithmetic to determine the number of methods the user defined, and the offsetof macros to set the pivotal attribute method_list_offset for the run-time--which exists primarily to avoid relying on type casts that might not necessarily be compatible due to compilers inserting padding or reordering, or anything really.

#define declare_type_method(type_name, ret_type, method_name) \
  ret_type TYPE_METHOD_DECL_NAME(type_name, method_name)(); \
  TYPE_METHOD_CTOR_DECL(type_name, method_name) \
  { \
    auto methods = (METHOD_LIST_FWD_DECL_TYPE_NAME(type_name)*)( \
      (pbyte_t)&BASE_CLASS_NAME(type_name) \
      + BASE_CLASS_NAME(type_name).METADATA_ATTRIB.method_list_offset \
    ); \
    if (!strcmp (CTOR_METHOD_NAME, #method_name)) \
      { \
        get_cdtor_table(&BASE_CLASS_NAME(type_name)).ctor \
          = &TYPE_METHOD_DECL_NAME(type_name, method_name); \
        get_cdtor_table(&BASE_CLASS_NAME(type_name)) \
          .METHOD_METADATA_ATTRIB(ctor).identifier = #method_name; \
        get_method_metadata(&BASE_CLASS_NAME(type_name), method_name) \
          .special = true; \
      } \
    else if (!strcmp (DTOR_METHOD_NAME, #method_name)) \
      { \
        get_cdtor_table(&BASE_CLASS_NAME(type_name)).dtor \
          = &TYPE_METHOD_DECL_NAME(type_name, method_name); \
        get_cdtor_table(&BASE_CLASS_NAME(type_name)) \
          .METHOD_METADATA_ATTRIB(dtor).identifier = #method_name; \
        get_method_metadata(&BASE_CLASS_NAME(type_name), method_name) \
          .special = true; \
      } \
    methods->method_name = &TYPE_METHOD_DECL_NAME(type_name, method_name); \
    get_method_metadata(&BASE_CLASS_NAME(type_name), method_name) \
      .identifier = #method_name; \
  } \
  ret_type TYPE_METHOD_DECL_NAME(type_name, method_name)

The bulk of this macro is just setting up the default constructor/destructor method properties to ensure proper garbage collection later in free_instance. Ottherwise, we're doing a little bit of black magic by using:

#define TYPE_METHOD_CTOR_DECL(type_name, method_name) \
  __attribute__((constructor)) void __ctor_##type_name##_##method_name (void)

Which allows the header to populate the static structure that we previously created in create_type_from_struct with the corresponding methods the user defines using this macro; this all arises from the invalid code scenario of:

struct foo
  int a;

static struct foo bar;
bar.a = <...>;  /* ??? */

Which is an understandable limitation, but eww.

In any case, I create a constructor per each method definition which initialises each method definition at runtime inside the global object structure, to ensure all future invocations of new_type have valid methods for which to generate stubs.

The whole chunky portion of code that involves strcmping between literals is purely due to allow overriding default constructors, as ugly as it is.

extern unsigned char __start_trampoline_stub[];
extern unsigned char __stop_trampoline_stub[];

static void
__attribute__((naked, noinline, section("trampoline_stub")))
trampoline_hook_stub (void) {asm (
  "1: lea 1b(%%rip), %%r15;\n\t"
  "subq %[preamble_size], %%r15;\n\t"
  "movl %%r8d, %%r9d;\n\t"
  "movq %%rcx, %%r8;\n\t"
  "movq %%rdx, %%rcx;\n\t"
  "movq %%rsi, %%rdx;\n\t"
  "movq %%rdi, %%rsi;\n\t"
  "movq (%%r15), %%rdi;\n\t"
  "addq %[method_offset], %%r15;\n\t"
  "jmp *(%%r15);\n\t"
  :: [preamble_size] "n" (sizeof (__generic_preamble)),
     [method_offset] "n" (offsetof (typeof (__generic_preamble), method))

Looping back to this (include/instance.h), is fairly simple inline assembly which exists to be copied and pasted per each method declaration in an object, acting as a trampoline (proper term, thunk) between the user and the actual method function.

Of course we're losing one argument, and I don't really know what'll happen with variadic/vector arguments or anything else non-trivial. But, the assembly reads in a preamble generated by the new_type macro which contains the self and method function pointer pair, and it simply loads them up and calls them.

The stub is sectioned separately to allow memcpy to calculate the size of the function through the section start/end difference.

The rest of the include/instance.h should be fairly simple, as it builds up the stub, does the necessary book-keeping for memory permissions and setting up default constructors/destructors.


tinker project to implement a custom object oriented system in c


Language:C 97.3%Language:Makefile 2.7%