umtksa / gh-actions-api

Using the Github Api to tigger a Github Action to update a JSON file, which can be used by a website as an API using Github Pages for free.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Github Actions API

Using the Github Api to tigger a Github Action to update a JSON file, which can be used by a website as an API using Github Pages for free.

1 - Github Api to tigger a Github Action

  curl --request POST \
  --url '' \
  --header 'authorization: Bearer <Your personal access token here>' \
  --data '{"event_type": "update", "client_payload": {"message": "hello","debug": "true"}}'

2 - Github Action updates JSON file

3 - Github Pages exposes JSON file as API


Using the Github Api to tigger a Github Action to update a JSON file, which can be used by a website as an API using Github Pages for free.