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Assignment 2 for the class CS60013 : Programming and Data Strcutures is due on

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PDS Assignment 2

Assignment 2 for the class CS60013 : Programming and Data Structures is due on 20th October 2022 23:59 IST. The assignment is worth 10% of the total marks for the course. Assignment submission is done via GitHub Classroom.

This assignment crafted by Vinay and Sai Pavan and approved by Prof Subhamoy Mandal.


General Instructions

  1. The assignment is to be done individually. You are not allowed to collaborate with other students. However, you are allowed to the discuss the assignment with the course TAs.
  2. Each student is required to complete only 3 tasks as given in the Task Allocation table. The first 2 tasks are as designated and the third task is to be chosen from either Task 7 or Task 8.
  3. Tasks can be completed in any order. Partial credit will be given for completed tasks.
  4. The assignment submission is handled via GitHub Classroom.
  5. Late submissions will not be accepted.
  6. Important : More than 20% of code plagiarism will lead to 100% penalty without any further notice.

Evaluation Policy

  1. The submissions will be evaluated based on the correctness of the code.
  2. A partial credit will be given for the correct code that is not complete.
  3. The correctness of the code will be evaluated based on the online test cases associated with the task.
  4. Any late submission will be given zero credit.

Instructions to get started with the assignment

  1. The assignment link will be shared via email.
  2. Clone the assignment repository to your local machine using the command
    git clone <assignment-repo-link>
  3. Go to the assignment directory using the command
    cd <assignment-repo-name>
  4. Open the assignment in your VS Code using the command
    code .
  5. Read the instructions in the file and start working on the assignment.

Auto Grading Instructions

  1. The auto grading and test cases are only available for the Task 1, Task 2, Task 3, Task 7 and Task 8.
  2. All the object oriented programming tasks are not auto graded. You have to test your code manually. You can do it as far as you can.
  3. Whoever assigned with the Task 1, Task 2, Task 3, Task 7 and Task 8 should follow the auto grading instructions.
  4. For auto graded questions your code will be tested against the online test cases. For this to work your code should produce the expected output in the format as specified in the test cases and example outputs.

Submission Instructions

  1. Test your code using the test cases provided in the tests/ directory.

  2. To run the test cases, use the command with python or python3 depending on your system configuration. This command should be run from the assignment root directory.

    python -m unittest tests/<test_case_file_name>.py
  3. Commit your changes to the local repository using the command

    git add .
    git commit -m "<commit-message>"
  4. Push your changes to the remote repository using the command

    git push
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you are done with the assignment.


The deadline for the assignment is 20th October 2022, 23:59 IST. No late submissions will be accepted.

Assignment 2 : Topics

  1. Recursion
  2. Sequences [Lists, Tuples, Strings, Dictionaries, Sets]
  3. Iteration and Comprehensions
  4. Classes and Objects

Task Allocation

Student Identifier Tasks Allotted
KAVINPURI@KGPIAN.IITKGP.AC.IN Task 2, Task 5, Task 7/Task 8
POOJA.JAIN@KGPIAN.IITKGP.AC.IN Task 2, Task 4, Task 7/Task 8
MAMTA.RANI@KGPIAN.IITKGP.AC.IN Task 2, Task 5, Task 7/Task 8
BHANUMEENA27@KGPIAN.IITKGP.AC.IN Task 3, Task 6, Task 7/Task 8
KAMLESHTONY10@KGPIAN.IITKGP.AC.IN Task 3 , Task 6, Task 7/Task 8
AMARMAJHI@KGPIAN.IITKGP.AC.IN Task 1, Task 5, Task 7/Task 8 Task 1, Task 5, Task 7/Task 8
SATHISHBT@KGPIAN.IITKGP.AC.IN Task 1, Task 6, Task 7/Task 8


Task 1 : Recursive file text search

  1. The task is to recursively search for all emails in a given directory tree.
  2. The given directory tree is a directory containing sub-directories and files.
  3. The text files in the directory tree may contain emails.
  4. Recursively search for all emails in the directory tree.
  5. The emails should be returned as a list of strings in alphabetically sorted order.
  6. Complete the function get_emails_recursive in file.
  7. The recursion can be either functional or iterative. Better to use iterative recursion.
  8. Directory tree : data/emails/
  9. Output : Return a list of emails(without duplicates) in alphabetically sorted order
  10. This task is auto-graded. Check the correctness of your code before submission.

Task 2 : Recursive math expression evaluation

  1. The task is to recursively evaluate a math expression given as a string.
  2. Complete the function evaluate_mathexp in file.
  3. Math expression will only contain +, -, *, /, ^, (, ) and integers.
  4. All the math operations are to be performed as per the order of precedence (PEMDAS) or (BODMAS).
  5. Examples
    1. Example 1 : evaluate_mathexp("2+3*4") should return 14
      • Input : "2+3*4"
      • Output : 14
      • Reasoning : 2+3*4 => 2+12 => 14
    2. Example 2 : evaluate_mathexp("2+3*4^2") should return 50
      • Input : "2+3*4^2"
      • Output : 50
      • Reasoning : 2+3* 4^2 => 2+3*16 => 2+48 => 50
  6. The recursion can be either functional or iterative.
  7. This task is auto-graded. Check the correctness of your code before submission.

Task 3 : Recursive pattern printing

  1. The task is to implement the function print_pattern in file.

  2. Function takes two arguments: x and n both are integers

  3. Note 1 : Along with the printing pattern, the function should also return x^n

  4. Strip any leading and trailing spaces from the pattern.

  5. Examples:

    1. Example 1:
      • Input : x = 2, n = 2
      • Returns : 4
      • Prints :
  1. Example 2:
    • Input : x = 3, n = 3
    • Returns : 27
    • Prints :
  1. Example 3:
    • Input : x = 5, n = 3
    • Returns : 125
    • Prints :
  1. Example 4:
    • Input : x = 3, n = 5
    • Returns : 243
    • Prints :
  1. This task is a bit tricky. So, try to understand the pattern and then implement the function.
  2. This task is auto-graded. So, make sure you are returning the correct value and printing the correct pattern.

Task 4 : Object Oriented Programming for Hospital Management System(HMS)

  1. The task is to implement a the classes Hospital, Patient and Doctor in file.
  2. The Hospital class should have the following attributes and methods:
    • name : Name of the hospital
    • doctors : List of doctor objects in the hospital
    • patients : List of patient objects in the hospital
    • add_doctor : Add a doctor to the hospital
    • add_patient : Add a patient to the hospital
    • get_doctor : Get a doctor from the hospital
    • get_patient : Get a patient from the hospital
    • get_doctors : Get all the doctors from the hospital
    • get_patients : Get all the patients from the hospital
    • get_doctors_count : Get the number of doctors in the hospital
    • get_patients_count : Get the number of patients in the hospital
  3. The Patient class should have the following attributes and methods:
    • id : Auto generated ID
    • name : Name of the patient
    • age : Age of the patient
    • gender : Sex of the patient
  4. The Doctor class should have the following attributes and methods:
    • id : Auto generated ID
    • name : Name of the doctor
    • specialization : Specialization of the doctor
    • patients : List of patients assigned to the doctor
    • add_patient : Add a patient to the doctor
    • get_patient : Get a patient from the doctor
    • get_patients : Get all the patients from the doctor
    • get_patients_count : Get the number of patients assigned to the doctor
  5. The id attribute of the Patient and Doctor class should be auto generated.
  6. Implement the __str__ method for the Hospital, Patient and Doctor classes.
  7. Demonstrate the use of implemented classes by creating a hospital object and adding doctors and patients to it.
  8. The demo driver code should make use of all the implemented methods of the classes.
  9. This task has no test cases. You can test your code by running the file.
  10. This task will not be auto-graded.

Task 5 : Object Oriented Programming for Agriculture Management System(AMS)

  1. The task is to implement a the classes Farm, Crop, Farmer and in file.
  2. The Farm class should have the following attributes and methods:
    • name : Name of the farm
    • crops : List of crop objects in the farm
    • farmers : List of farmer objects in the farm
    • add_crop : Add a crop to the farm
    • add_farmer : Add a farmer to the farm
    • get_crop : Get a crop from the farm
    • get_farmer : Get a farmer from the farm
    • get_crops : Get all the crops from the farm
    • get_farmers : Get all the farmers from the farm
    • get_crops_count : Get the number of crops in the farm
    • get_farmers_count : Get the number of farmers in the farm
  3. The Crop class should have the following attributes and methods:
    • id : Auto generated ID
    • name : Name of the crop
    • type : Type of the crop
    • farmers : List of farmers assigned to the crop
    • add_farmer : Add a farmer to the crop
    • get_farmer : Get a farmer from the crop
    • get_farmers : Get all the farmers from the crop
    • get_farmers_count : Get the number of farmers assigned to the crop
  4. The Farmer class should have the following attributes and methods:
    • id : Auto generated ID
    • name : Name of the farmer
    • age : Age of the farmer
  5. The id attribute of the Crop and Farmer class should be auto generated.
  6. Implement the __str__ method for the Farm, Crop and Farmer classes.
  7. Demonstrate the use of implemented classes by creating a farm object and adding crops and farmers to it.
  8. The demo driver code should make use of all the implemented methods of the classes.
  9. This task has no test cases. You can test your code by running the file.
  10. This task will not be auto-graded.

Task 6 : Object Oriented Programming for Class Management System(CMS)

  1. The task is to implement a the classes Class, Student and Teacher in file.
  2. The Class class should have the following attributes and methods:
    • name : Name of the class
    • students : List of student objects in the class
    • teachers : List of teacher objects in the class
    • add_student : Add a student to the class
    • add_teacher : Add a teacher to the class
    • get_student : Get a student from the class
    • get_teacher : Get a teacher from the class
    • get_students : Get all the students from the class
    • get_teachers : Get all the teachers from the class
    • get_students_count : Get the number of students in the class
    • get_teachers_count : Get the number of teachers in the class
  3. The Student class should have the following attributes and methods:
    • id : Auto generated ID
    • name : Name of the student
    • age : Age of the student
  4. The Teacher class should have the following attributes and methods:
    • id : Auto generated ID
    • name : Name of the teacher
    • age : Age of the teacher
    • students : List of students assigned to the teacher
    • add_student : Add a student to the teacher
    • get_student : Get a student from the teacher
    • get_students : Get all the students from the teacher
    • get_students_count : Get the number of students assigned to the teacher
  5. The id attribute of the Student and Teacher class should be auto generated.
  6. Implement the __str__ method for the Class, Student and Teacher classes.
  7. Demonstrate the use of implemented classes by creating a class object and adding students and teachers to it.
  8. The demo driver code should make use of all the implemented methods of the classes.
  9. This task has no test cases. You can test your code by running the file.
  10. This task will not be auto-graded.

Task 7 : Collections and Sequences in Python : Application to Medical Transcriptions

  1. The task is to implement the set of functions in file.

  2. These functions are to be used to process the medical transcriptions in data/mtsamples.csv file.

  3. This task is heavily oriented towards the use of collections and sequences in Python. Use the most appropriate collections and sequences as possible.

  4. For working with the CSV file, you can use the csv module in Python or the pandas module. pandas doesn't come pre-installed with Python. You can install it using pip install pandas command.

  5. In this task you will be implementing the following functions:

    1. get_medical_specalities
      • Implement the function get_medical_specalities in file.
      • This function should return a list of all the medical specialties from the medical_specialty column in the data/mtsamples.csv file. The list should not contain any duplicates. The list should be sorted in alphabetically ascending order.
      • Check the expected output in the tests/transcription_outputs/get_medical_specalities.txt file.
    2. get_medical_specialities_count
      • Implement the function get_medical_specialities_count in file.
      • This function should return a dictionary of all the medical specialties from the medical_specialty column in the data/mtsamples.csv file. The dictionary should have the medical specialty as the key and the number of times it occurs as the value. The dictionary should be sorted in descending order of the number of times the medical specialty occurs.
      • Check the expected output in the tests/transcription_outputs/get_medical_specialities_count.txt file.
    3. get_medical_speciality_sample_names
      • Implement the function get_medical_speciality_sample_names in file.
      • This function should return a dictionary of all the medical specialties from the medical_specialty column in the data/mtsamples.csv file. The dictionary should have the medical specialty as the key and the list of sample names as the value. The dictionary should be sorted in alphabetically ascending order of the medical specialty.
      • Check the expected output in the tests/transcription_outputs/get_medical_speciality_sample_names.txt file.
  6. This task is auto-graded. Run the test cases and check the correctness of your code.

Task 8 : Collections and Sequences in Python : Application to ISBI 2022 Accepted Submissions

  1. The task is to implement the set of functions in file.

  2. These functions are to be used to process the ISBI 2022 accepted submissions in data/isbi2022.csv file.

  3. The given dataset data/isbi2022.csv file is a scrapped dataset from the ISBI 2022 accepted submissions page. Each record in the dataset represents a paper that has been accepted for presentation at ISBI 2022. Each record will have the following attributes:

    • citationCount : Number of citations for the paper
    • articleTitle : Title of the paper
    • downloadCount : Number of times the paper has been downloaded
    • authors : List of authors of the paper
  4. There are other attributes in the dataset. You can explore them on your own. The dataset conists of 313 records.

  5. This task is heavily oriented towards the use of collections and sequences in Python. Use the most appropriate collections and sequences as possible.

  6. For working with the JSON file, you can use the json module in Python.

  7. In this task you will be implementing the following functions:

    1. get_authors

      • Implement the function get_authors in file.
      • This function should return a dictionary of all the unique authors from the given dataset and the number of times they have appeared in the dataset. The dictionary should be sorted in descending order of the number of times the author has appeared in the dataset.
      • Check the expected output in the tests/isbi2022_outputs/get_authors.json file.
    2. get_titles

      • Implement the function get_titles in file.
      • This function should return a dictionary of all the titles as the key and the sum of the citationCount and downloadCount as the value. The dictionary should be sorted in descending order of the sum of the citationCount and downloadCount.
      • Check the expected output in the tests/isbi2022_outputs/get_titles.json file.
    3. get_word_cloud

      • Implement the function get_word_cloud in file.
      • This function should return a dictionary of all the words in the articleTitle attribute as the key and the number of times the word has appeared in the articleTitle attribute as the value. The dictionary should be sorted in descending order of the number of times the word has appeared in the articleTitle attribute.
      • Check the expected output in the tests/isbi2022_outputs/get_word_cloud.json file.
  8. This task is auto-graded. Run the test cases and check the correctness of your code.


  1. Python Documentation
  2. Class Code Materials
  3. Introduction to Computation and Programming Using Python
  4. Elements of Programming Interviews in Python

All the best!


Assignment 2 for the class CS60013 : Programming and Data Strcutures is due on


Language:Python 100.0%