umeboshi2 / tbirds

Tbirds are go

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JS and coffeescript modules


Tbirds is a collection of helper modules to more easily create a frontend single page app using marionette, bootstrap v3. Tbirds makes use of marionette.toolkit to help manage the app components. These modules are meant to be used with webpack. In theory, many of these modules can be also used with browserify, however the (optional) main routing controller depends on webpack's dynamic import, to help with code splitting.


Tbirds presumes that the project is using both bootstrap and font-awesome for the page style and icons. The builtin templates use bootstrap heavily for grid layout, dropdowns, and other bootstrap components.


Tbirds consists of a simple set of modules to help build different frontends with differing requirements and concerns. The goal of the project is to provide separable modules in a "pick and choose" manner to help build a frontend. With this in mind, effort has been made to create an environment where many components are optional and can be specified in an "AppConfig" object.

For example, many apps use a "navbar", usually at the top of the page. However, if you are creating an app to be run in another site's <iframe>, you probably won't need a navbar. Hence, the navbar is made optional in the "AppConfig." If the app has a backend that requires, or makes use of, an authenticated user, this can also be specified in the "AppConfig". (Currently, the user menu view is tied to the navbar, so at the moment, the optional user requires the navbar to be present. This probably won't be changed until the need arises, but feel free to make this happen if you need such functionality.)

Application Structure

Tbirds is setup mainly for single page applications. It uses a simple bootstrap layout with a navbar at the top, with content underneath. It uses a simple page layout with a navbar and content, along with presets for using modal dialogs, and notifications using bootstrap's '.alert' classes.
The layout can be easily replaced with a custom layout.

The main application object is the RootApp, which is the main container for all the child apps and applets. Currently, the "TopApp" contains two optional child apps, "messages," "navbar," and "router."

Main Page Layout and Regions

This is the basic layout of the html body, and can be overridden by setting AppConfig.layout to a custom Marionette View. Each region accepts a Marionette View. A navbar can be used to navigate between the applets, which are loaded in the applet region. The modal region provides a place for a modal view, while the messages region provides a place for bootstrap "alert" divs.

class MainPageLayout extends Marionette.View
  template: tc.renderable () ->
    tc.div '#navbar-view-container'
    tc.div ".container-fluid", ->
      tc.div '.row', ->
        tc.div '.col-sm-10.col-sm-offset-1', ->
          tc.div '#messages'
      tc.div '#applet-content.row'
      tc.div '#footer.row'
    tc.div '#modal'

    messages: '#messages'
    navbar: '#navbar-view-container'
    modal: ModalRegion
    applet: '#applet-content'
    footer: '#footer'


The 'global' channel is used to help manage the app.

  • requests (The first must be requested by the developer in the entry file before calling app.start())

    • 'main:app:object' -> returns the "TopApp" object.

    • 'main:app:config' -> returns the "AppConfig" object.

    These requests are on the "navbar" channel.

    • Navbar Requests

      • 'get-entries' (name) -> returns navbar entry collection

      • 'add-entry' (entry, name) -> adds a new entry

      • 'add-entries' (entries, name) -> adds new entries

      • 'clear-entries' () -> returns navbar color

    Theses requests are on the "applets" channel.

    • Applet Requests

      • 'get' (appname) -> this returns the applet object.

      • 'getAll' () -> this returns all loaded applet objects.

      • 'register' (appname, applet) -> registers the applet with the application. This tells the dispatcher that the routes for the AppRouter have already been registered, so it will refrain from attempting to load the applet. This is called upon the loading of the applet by the RequireController.

      • 'unregister' (appname) -> this is a placeholder to remove an applet from the application. This is not being used currently, but is reserved in anticipation of the potential to unload an applet to conserve memory in a large application.


import Backbone from 'backbone'
import 'bootstrap'

import createMainApp from 'tbirds/start-main-app'
import config from 'tbirds/app-config'

config = require 'tbirds/app-config'
config.brand.label = 'Example'

MainChannel = 'global'

app = createMainApp config
# start the app

Applet Router

The applet router is responsible for the routing to all of the applets in the application. The applet router is extended from the Marionette AppRouter, and depends on a special controller. Only one of these should be used in an application, and currently the applet router is created by calling the "main:app:route" radio request.

When using the applet-router, the applets are geared to be loaded upon demand by matching the route and loading the corresponding applet. The purpose of this feature is to eventually provide that certain applets the ability to be maintained separately in their own code repositories. The longterm goal is to be able to include an applet in the project by a simple npm install --save-dev applet-foobar, allowing the same applet to be reused in a variety of frontend apps.

The routes handled by the applet router are ":applet" and ":applet/*path".


The RequireController is responsible for responding to the "appRoutes" of the applet router. It performs System.import on "applets/${appname}/main" to load the AppRouter for the applet. If the appRoutes property of the AppRouter is set similar to the example below, the applet router will not be called again to import the applet.

Example AppRouter

import AppRouter from 'tbirds/routers/approuter'
class Router extends AppRouter
    'docapp': 'listPages'
    'docapp/documents': 'listPages'
    'docapp/documents/new': 'newPage'
    'docapp/documents/view/:id': 'viewPage'
    'docapp/documents/edit/:id': 'editPage'


The applets are the actual heart of the single page application. Each applet handles separate features of core functionality. The main layout is nothing more than a vehicle for arranging the applications on the page by using the navbar, providing a central container for the applet, and also providing a container for "alert" messages.

Each applet must have a Marionette.AppRouter and a corresponding controller object. Each applet must have a route that corresponds to the name of the applet.

Applets and Child apps

A distinction is made between these similar terms. The world is still young and the word "applet" is not very clearly defined. In tbirds, a child app correspons to a Toolkit Child App, which merely means it belongs to a parent app. An applet is also a child app, that uses a marionette AppRouter. The applet concept is to help organize the frontend into a collection of components, each in charge of a specific set of functionality.

Applet Structure

The applets are resolved in a directory named "applets". The directory containing the applets should be resolved as "applets" in the webpack configuration.

The directory structure is as follows:

  • ${appname}

    • main.js This is required. This must define the AppRouter along with the controller to handle the applet routes.

    • controller.js

    • dbchannel.js

    • views.js

Applet Layout

  • layout view for applet, provides regions for applet views

  • applet layout view needs className: 'applet-container'

Applet Controller

The applet controller uses a layout view to provide regions for the applet views.

Default AppConfig

MainPageLayout = require './tklayout'

module.exports =
  # This is the html element to attach
  # the app.  This is to be marionette Region
  appRegion: 'body'
  # This is a marionette view with regions
  layout: MainPageLayout
  # here you can set options to be passed
  # to the layout
  layoutOptions: {}
  # set this to false if you don't need
  # messages
  useMessages: true
  # set useNavbar to false to skip
  # using a navbar in the app
  useNavbar: true
  # this is the brand entry for the navbar
    label: 'Tk-Test'
    url: '#'
  # applet to be used for frontdoor
  frontdoorApplet: 'frontdoor'

  # Does the application have a user?
  # If this is true, a userMenuApp must be set
  # to a toolkit App
  hasUser: false

  # If there is a user, provide a user menu app
  userMenuApp: undefined
  # if needLogin is true, frontdoorApplet should
  # provide a #frontdoor/login route which will
  # be displayed by default
  needLogin: false

  # the url for login
  loginUrl: '/#frontdoor/login'
  guestUserName: 'Guest'
  # navbar entries is an array of objects
  navbarEntries: []
  # appletRoutes lets you place
  # the applet name as a property
  # with the applet directory name
  # as a value.  The AppRouter should
  # respond to property prefixes urls.
    pages: 'frontdoor'

Using Backbone Models and Collections

Models and collections can be accessed through a Backbone.Radio channel. Radio requests are made in the form db:{model}:{action}. When the object is constructed, a default persistent collection is created, which can be accessed by a radio request: db:{model}:collection.

Object actions (Prepend db:{model}:)

  • collection: returns the persistent collection property of object

  • new(attributes): Returns a new instance of a model with attributes

  • add(attributes): adds a new model with attributes. Triggers db:{model}:inserted

  • get(id): returns model from persistent connection, or creates new model with "id."

  • modelClass: returns model class

  • collectionClass: returns collection class


  • Start removing coffeescript

  • Start using import syntax and remove require

  • keep using teacup for templates and consider transition to pug

  • make broader support for loadable template functions


  • Run a single test file: npx mochapack --webpack-config {path to test file}


Tbirds are go


Language:CoffeeScript 67.0%Language:SCSS 33.0%