umass-ml4ed / CogTutorBugs

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CogTutorBugs 5000+ Labeled Student Alegbra Mistakes


A dataset of student errors observed while using a cognitive tutoring system. This dataset was formed by processing the 'Cog Tutor 2010 Equation Solving (sch_bd1124)' dataset accessed via DataShop (Koedinger et al., 2010). The exercises are Algebra I levels, for example:

Solve for y in the following equation: -6=3+y/9

Data Format

The original tutoring system logs were parsed by filtering the interaction logs for items which were labeled as having an outcome of BUG and then taking the nearby interactions to build context for the error. In BUG interactions the tutoring system recognized the error that the student made and dispalyed feedback to guide the student, we've analyzed these feedback messages and grouped them into 19 unique categories.

        "Unnamed: 0.1": 0,
        "Unnamed: 0": 0,
        "eq1": "-6=3+y/9",
        "action": "DIV_SIDE",
        "Input": "9",
        "eq2": "-6/9=3+y/9/9",
        "Outcome": "BUG",
        "Previous Action": null,
        "Feedback": "To remove the coefficient of <expression>y/9</expression>, you need to divide by <expression>1/9</expression> or multiply by <expression>9</expression>.",
        "Filtered Feedback": "To remove the coefficient of , you need to divide by  or multiply by .",
        "label": 10,
        "Label Name": "DIVIDE_TO_SIMPLIFY"


If you would like to use this dataset in your work please cite our work:

Paper: Algebra Error Classification with Large Language Models


      title={Algebra Error Classification with Large Language Models}, 
      author={Hunter McNichols and Mengxue Zhang and Andrew Lan},


If you have any questions about our work please contact us at and mention the CogTutorBugs dataset.


  • Koedinger, K.R., Baker, R.S.J.d., Cunningham, K., Skogsholm, A., Leber, B., Stamper, J. (2010) A Data Repository for the EDM community: The PSLC DataShop. In Romero, C., Ventura, S., Pechenizkiy, M., Baker, R.S.J.d. (Eds.) Handbook of Educational Data Mining. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
  • Koedinger, K.R., Anderson, J.R., Hadley, W.H., Mark, M.A.: Intelligent tutoring goes to school in the big city. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 8, 30–43 (1997)
