The Test
Here we'll try to simulate a "real sprint" that you'll be assigned while working as an intern at Umanni.
The Task
- Create a blog with auth in Ruby on Rails Framework.
- blog reference - watch the video
- auth reference - the Getting started section
The App
Visitor Use Cases
- A visitor can see all posts, but can't create a post or comment.
- As a visitor, I can register myself as a User to create posts and comment on posts.
User Use Cases
- As a logged user I can create posts.
- As a logged user I can comment posts.
- I can edit/delete only my posts.
The Deadline.
- Your deadline is 1 week after receiving this test.
The Rules
The following requirements are mandatory. Not doing one of them will invalidate your submission:
- You must create a NEW REPO to work on your submission - DO NOT FORK.
- You must write down a README in English explaining how to build and run your app.
- You must use action cable to update some realtime related stuff as the video shows. (comments on post)
- You must write at least one test.
- You must use rails >= 5.
- You must use devise to authenticate Users.
- And, of course, if you're doing this test, we assume that you have knowledge of git/github.
What we're expecting to see:
- A working app.
Extra points
- Use Docker.
- Show some interesting front-end skills.
What will be assessed
- Code's Semantic, Cleanness, Tests and Maintainability.