Illustrates a mismatch between Localstack S3 and Amazon S3.
- Java
- Leiningen
Run using Leiningen:
lein run somebucket
Build jar-file:
$ lein uberjar
Run jar-file:
java -jar target/localstack-s3-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar somebucket
When running against Localstack S3, it results in the following exception:
$ AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=x AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=x lein run somebucket
17-05-10 11:22:52 ulsamac.local INFO [localstack-s3.core:32] - Checking access to S3 bucket somebucket
17-05-10 11:22:56 ulsamac.local ERROR [localstack-s3.core:49] - Problem accessing S3 bucket somebucket
... 1728
com.amazonaws.SdkClientException: Unable to verify integrity of data upload.
Client calculated content hash (contentMD5: 90TFvSlO7zvr2gTw1+tYFw== in base 64)
didn't match hash (etag: 0b3e0734ee13fa0b17f9a9348942c9da in hex) calculated by
Amazon S3. You may need to delete the data stored in Amazon S3.
(metadata.contentMD5: null, md5DigestStream:,
bucketName: somebucket, key: testing.json)
Indeed, looking at the object stored on Localstack S3, we see some extra information:
$ aws --endpoint-url http://localhost:4572 s3 cp s3://somebucket/testing.json /tmp/
download: s3://somebucket/testing.json to ../../../../../../tmp/testing.json
$ cat /tmp/testing.json
{"test": {"object": 1}}
By commenting out (using ;
) the :endpoint
key in the credentials map, and providing
working AWS credentials and a valid bucket name on the command line, the
same code can be run against Amazon S3:
(defn check-s3-bucket [bucket-name]
(let [written-json "{\"test\": {\"object\": 1}}"
object-key "testing.json"
credentials {:access-key (env :aws-access-key-id)
:secret-key (env :aws-secret-access-key)
; commented out localstack below, ie using Amazon
; :endpoint "http://localhost:4572"
Providing valid AWS credentials as environment variables:
$ AWS_ACCESS_KEY=AKIAI... AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='9kv8r...' lein run somebucketthatisnottaken
17-05-10 11:33:24 ulsamac.local INFO [localstack-s3.core:32] - Checking access to S3 bucket somebucketthatisnottaken
All is good
Looking at the object stored, we see that it's correct:
$ AWS_ACCESS_KEY=AKIAI... AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='9kv8r...' aws s3 cp s3://somebucketthatisnottaken/testing.json /tmp/testing-from-aws.json
download: s3://somebucketthatisnottaken/testing.json to ../../../../../../tmp/testing-from-aws.json
$ cat /tmp/testing-from-aws.json
{"test": {"object": 1}}