ullaskunder3 / sdl2-setup-linux-system

started learning SDL2 c++ for game development

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



To install SDL2 in Fedora, you can use the following command in your terminal:

sudo dnf install SDL2-devel

Automate the step of running the output file

runtask command Screenshot from 2023-04-21 16-25-34

This tasks.json file defines two tasks: Build C++ program with SDL2 and Run C++ program with SDL2

Build C++ program with SDL2 is a cppbuild task which uses the g++ compiler to build the C++ program. It takes the following arguments:

  • -g specifies to include debugging information in the binary
  • -o specifies the output file path, which is build/${fileBasenameNoExtension}.out. ${fileBasenameNoExtension} is the name of the current file being built (without its extension).
  • ${file} specifies the path of the current file being built.
  • sdl2-config --cflags --libs includes the compiler flags and linker flags needed for the SDL2 library.
  • "cwd": "${fileDirname}" sets the current working directory to the directory of the current file being built.

The group option specifies that this task is a build task and is the default task for this project.

The Run C++ program with SDL2 task is a shell task which runs the binary built by the Build C++ program with SDL2 task. It takes the following arguments:

  • ${workspaceFolder}/build/${fileBasenameNoExtension}.out specifies the path of the binary file to run.
  • The group option specifies that this task is a test task and is the default task for this group.
  • The dependsOn option specifies that this task depends on the Build C++ program with SDL2 task, meaning that the build task will always be executed before the run task.

So when you run the Run C++ program with SDL2 task, it will first build the C++ program using the Build C++ program with SDL2 task, and then run the built binary using the shell task.


started learning SDL2 c++ for game development