uliss / pddoc

PureData documention tool

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


PureData documentation generator

This is a generator that creates *-help.pd files from single pddoc-formatted files and another .pd file from XML that contains objects, short descriptions and links to help files.

Requires: pycairo

_ _
pd_doc2pd Converts pddoc file to PureData help patch
pd_doc2html Converts pddoc file to HTML file
pd_doc2md Converts pddoc file to PureData help patch
pd_makelibrary Creates XML file for set of pddoc files
pd_lib2pd Converts XML file to PureData patch with objects links to help files
pd_cat2pd Converts XML file with category info to separate patch with object links

1. XML file

<library xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" name="--your-library-name--" version="1.0">
    <category name="--category--">
        <entry descr="Object description" name="the_object" ref_view="object">
            <xi:include href="the_object.pddoc" parse="xml"/>


  • name (required)


  • name (required)


  • name (required)
  • ref_view (required):
    • object
    • link (for UI objects)

XML file for category:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<category-info version="1.0">

2. pddoc file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<pddoc version="1.0">
    <object name="the_object">
            <par>Paragraph text</par>
            <argument name="ARG_NAME" type="symbol">argument name</argument>
            <property name="@property_name" type="symbol">property name</property>
                <xinfo on="bang">detailed description</xinfo>
            <event type="left-click" edit_mode="0" keys="Shift+Ctrl">Some info</event>




  • <pddoc>
    • version (required)
  • <object>
    • name (required)
  • <title>
  • <meta>
    • <authors>
    • <description>
    • <license>
    • <library>
    • <category>
    • <keywords>
    • <since>


    <par>Paragraph text</par>
    <wiki name="Arithmetic_mean">Arithmetic mean</wiki>


  • name (required)
  • type (required):
    • int
    • float
    • symbol
    • atom - int, float or symbol
    • list - list of atoms


    <property name="PROP" type="TYPE">description</property>
  • name (required)
  • type (required):
    • int
    • float
    • symbol
    • atom - int, float or symbol
    • list - list of atoms
    • alias - alias for other property
    • flag - property that is True when specified, otherwise False
  • access - value from list:
    • readwrite
    • readonly
    • initonly
  • units - value unit from list:
    • hertz
    • kilohertz
    • decibel (db)
    • millisecond (msec)
    • second (sec)
    • bpm
    • percent
    • sample
    • semitone
    • cent
    • radian
    • degree
  • minvalue - minimum allowed value
  • maxvalue - maximum allowed value
  • default - default value, if not specified
  • category - value from this list (in sort order):
    • main
    • midi
    • preset
    • color
    • label
    • font
    • basic
  • enum - space separated list of allowed values
    <property enum="A B C"/>


    <method name="NAME">
        <param type="TYPE" name="XXX" required="true">description</param>
  • method name method name
  • type value type
  • required true if the parameter is required


<inlets dynamic="true">
    <inlet type="TYPE" number="XXX">
        <xinfo on="symbol">description</xinfo>
  • dynamic (optional) - if True, external has dynamic number of inlets, otherwise fixed.
  • type (optional) - inlet type:
    • control
    • audio
  • number (optional) - manually specified inlet number: number, or "n", or "n+1", or "n-1", or "..."
  • on (optional) - describe reaction on input data type. Data types:
    • atom
    • int
    • float
    • list
    • symbol
    • pointer
    • any
    • data - for additional data types
    • data:set
    • data:dict
    • data:mlist
    • data:string
    • data:fifo




    <event type="drag" keys="Shift" editmode="false">description</event>
  • type - event type from list:
    • left-click
    • right-click
    • middle-click
    • double-click
    • drag
  • keys - key modifiers, like Shift+Alt
  • editmode - edit mode on/off




  • [value( - message box
  • [value key=value {key=param}] - object box with optional key-value support
  • [T], [_] - toggle
  • [B], [O] - bang
  • [F] - number box
  • [A] - array
  • [HR] - horizontal radio
  • [VR] - vertical radio
  • [HS] - horizontal slider
  • [VS] - vertical slider
  • [S digits=10] - symbol entry with width 10 chars
  • [obj1] X [obj2] - cross connection
  • [obj1 #a] - object with id:a
  • [X a->b] - connect object #a to object with id:b
  • [X a:1->b:0] - connect second outlet of object #a to first inlet of object #b


  • | - simple connection


  • ^|. - specified connection. Number of "^" specifies outlet index. Number of "." specifies inlet index
[unpack f f f] /*connect second outlet to third inlet*/
[pack f f f]


  • *| - all to one connection. Note: no simple cord continuation.
[unpack f f f] 


  • |* - one to all connection. Note: no simple cord continuation.
[pack f f f]


  • *|* - parallel connection. Note: no simple cord continuation.
[unpack f f f f f f f f f f f] 
[pack f f f f f f f f]



object x-position in pddoc spaces
[mtof {x=10}]

[mtof {x=40}]
object width in chars

[mtof {w=10}]

[mtof {w=40}]


object inlets
[uknown object {i=10,w=30}]  /*10 sound inlets*/

[uknown object {i=10~,w=30}] /*10 sound inlets*/

[uknown object {i=~10,w=30}] /*10 control inlets*/

[uknown object {i=6~4,w=30}] /*6 sound inlets, 4 control inlets*/


object outlets
[uknown object {o=10,w=30}]  /*10 sound outlets*/

[uknown object {o=10~,w=30}] /*10 sound outlets*/

[uknown object {o=~10,w=30}] /*10 control outlets*/

[uknown object {o=6~4,w=30}] /*6 sound outlets, 4 control outlets*/


array params
[array size=400 save=1]        /*400 elements, save-in-patch flag: 1*/

[array w=400 h=200]            /*width: 400, height: 200*/

[array yr=-20..300]            /*y-value range: from -20 to 300*/

[array style=line|point|curve] /*array draw style*/
object aliases
[unknown object #a]
#a arg0 arg1 arg2 etc...



PureData documention tool

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 98.4%Language:TeX 0.9%Language:CSS 0.7%Language:Shell 0.0%