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play-auditing contains code to facilitate creation of audit events and their publication to Datastream. This includes both explicit events and implicit events.

Explicit events are where your code creates an audit event and asks for it to be sent. Implicit events are created automatically by via http-core when a service makes some HTTP request, and is based on configuration.

Adding to your build

In your SBT build add:

resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("hmrc", "releases")

libraryDependencies += "" %% "play-auditing-play-yy" % "x.x.x"

Version Info

Since version 5, play-auditing is no longer build with the sbt-play-cross-compilation plugin (where the version of play was embedded in the version of the library). Instead, multiple modules are produced for different versions of play:

Version Play Version Scala Version
play-auditing-play-27 Play 2.7.x 2.12
play-auditing-play-26 Play 2.6.x 2.11, 2.12
play-auditing-play-25 Play 2.5.x 2.11

Also since version 5, joda time has been replaced with java time internally.


Implicit auditing of outgoing HTTP calls in conjunction with http-verbs and Play

import{AppName, RunMode}

object Audit extends AuditConnector with RunMode {
  override lazy val auditingConfig = LoadAuditingConfig(s"$env.auditing")

protected object WSHttp extends WSGet with WSPut with WSPost with WSDelete with WSPatch with AppName with RunMode with HttpAuditing {
  override val hooks = Seq(AuditingHook)
  override val auditConnector = Audit

For more information on http-verbs, please see the docs here

Explicit auditing

If you are using bootstrap-play-25 you should be able to inject AuditConnector. If you have an older project there should be an existing scala object which extends AuditConnector. AuditConnector has 3 methods for explicit audits. Use whichever you prefer.

auditConnector.sendExplicitAudit("theAuditType", ExampleAuditData("123"))
auditConnector.sendExplicitAudit("theAuditType", Json.obj("vrn" -> "123", "some" -> Json.obj("nested" -> "value")))
auditConnector.sendExplicitAudit("theAuditType", Map("vrn" -> "123"))

The sendExplicitAudit methods need the implicit parameter HeaderCarrier. You should be able to get this by extending BaseController.


You'll also need to supply an auditing configuration.

Request auditing is provided for all HTTP requests that are made using http-core that use the AuditingHook. Each request/response pair results in an audit message being created and sent to an external auditing service for processing. To use this service, your configuration needs to include:

auditing {
  enabled = true
  consumer {
    baseUri {
      host = ...
      port = ...

NOTE: The traceRequests property is not used, so can be removed. The configuration remains backwards compatible, so will not fail if present.

HttpAuditing provides def auditDisabledForPattern: Regex which client applications may chose to override when mixing in HttpAuditing.

NOTE: This configuration used to be provided by reading Play configuration property <env>.http-client.audit.disabled-for which is now obsolete.


This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Scala 100.0%