ujjwal-dhiman-ai / movie-recommender-system

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Movie Recommender System

This project is a movie recommender system built using Python, Streamlit, and the Scikit-learn library. The system recommends similar movies based on user input, allowing users to receive suggestions for films related to their preferences.

Technologies Used

  • Python: The primary programming language used for building the application and developing the machine learning model.

  • Streamlit: The web application framework used for creating the user interface and deploying the recommender system.

  • Scikit-learn: The machine learning library employed for developing the recommendation model.


The movie recommender system follows a step-by-step process, utilizing a dataset of 5000 movies from Kaggle. The main steps in the model development include:

Data Reading:

  • Imported a dataset containing information about 5000 movies from Kaggle.

Feature Selection:

  • Focused on text features that are likely to contribute to the recommendation process.
  • Selected features: "genres," "keywords," "title," "overview," "cast," and "crew."

Data Cleaning:

  • Checked for null and duplicate values in the dataset to ensure data integrity.

Data Transformation:

  • Transformed the text features to prepare them for model building.
  • Converted raw text values into list format.
  • Extracted relevant information from raw data.
  • Removed white spaces between words.
  • Created a new feature called "tags" by merging all relevant text features.

Word Stemming:

  • Applied stemming to transform words into their root form.
  • Utilized the NLTK library with the PorterStemmer algorithm.

Model Development:

  • Vectorized the features using the CountVectorizer algorithm from Scikit-learn.
  • Utilized Cosine Similarity for searching and recommending the most similar movies based on user input.

How to Use

Clone the repository to your local machine:

  • git clone https://github.com/your-username/movie-recommender.git

Install Dependencies:

  • Make sure you have the required dependencies installed. You can use the following command: pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the App:

  • Execute the following command to run the Streamlit web application: streamlit run app.py
  • This will start a local server, and you can access the movie recommender system through your web browser.

Input Movie Name:

  • Enter the name of a movie you like into the provided input field.
  • Get Recommendations:
    • The system will recommend 5 similar movies based on the input you provided.

Explore Recommendations:

  • Explore the recommended movies and discover new films that match your preferences. Feel free to explore and enhance the project based on your preferences and requirements. Happy movie watching!


  • The dataset used in this project is sourced from kaggle.
  • Special thanks to the Streamlit and Scikit-learn communities for their excellent documentation and support.



Language:Jupyter Notebook 99.2%Language:Python 0.8%