uhleloX / uhleloX

A modern PHP Content Management System

Home Page:https://www.uhlelox.com

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


uhleloX is a modern PHP Content Management System.

Built on PHP 8, jQuery 3 and Bootstrap, it provides a lightweight and powerful CMS experience to powerusers. A number of core plugins available, add features such as Media Editor, Text Editor (both CKEditor and CodeMirror) and Media Upload.

A number of big CMS have "ruled" the web for the past years, and they are excellent. However, many of them are built on very outdated code, and have a number of security issues and user shortcomings that uhleloX tries to fix.

One of the biggest differences to any common CMS (inclusive WordPress) is that uhleloX can not be taken over during install, because it uses a very simple but effective verification of the owner during install, user creation, and database install.

Other differences are:

  • uhleloX is very modular. In its most basic version, all you get is a Content Management System. Using Core Extensions, developed directly by uhleloX, and shipped in the install (but not activated) you can extend uheloX with very modern and powerful text editors, image editors and media management features.
  • uhleloX uses a normalized, compressed database structure. No JSON or seralised arrays are stored. It has a native relational Database that can be infinitely extended, inclusive translations. This grants major performance advantages compared to traditional PHP CMSs.
  • Strict SSL and CSPs are applied natively in uhleloX, making it literally impossible to run an unsafe HTTP website or loading any scripts from external sources. Everything has to be loaded with SSL and from your own server.
  • uhleloX is not owned by anyone. While the GitHub and Website Servers are sponsored by TukuToi Co Ltd, and currently development is as well made by TukuToi developers, the project as such is intended to be open to anyone contributing. Leadesrhip is is in the hands of those who do the work. Full stop.

uhleloX also uses several features of other CMSs that make them so powerful:

  • Just like WordPress, uhleloX also offers a set of PHP Hooks that can be used to extend core functionality.
  • In future Releases, uhleloX will support the (so much neglected) well known ShortCodes system that WordPress used.


  • Prepare an Apache or nginX server with PHP 8 and a MySQL Database. Note, in nginX you have to ensure pretty url rewrites on your own. Try something like below in your server block. On Apache, uhleloX already includes an .htaccess rewrite rule.
location / {
	try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args; 
  • Download and unzip the latest Release.
  • Unzip the downloaded package, open the folder and find the hash.txt file in it.
  • Create an SHA256 hash of a passphrase of your choice that you will be using to: -- Setup the install -- Create new users -- maybe in future log in to the system ==> A possible online service to create an SHA256 hash is https://emn178.github.io/online-tools/sha256.html
  • Paste the SHA 256 hash of your passphrase in the hash.txt file and save it
  • Upload the entire folder's contents to your webserver's web root (for example, into the var/www/html folder)
  • Visit your website (i.g. https://domain.tld)
  • Complete the setup steps. You will need to enter your Database host, name, port, charset, user/password and passphrase created above, thus have them ready.
  • Create a User in the next prompt.
  • Login to the CMS in the last prompt.


Settings All necessary settings for the default to work are added during setup Add new settings are in /admin.php?x_action=add&x_type=settings You should upload at least a Website Logo and complete the x_logo_id setting after.

Extensions All currently existing core extensions are inactive by default, and not installed. You will need to download each from the respective repositories, and then activate them in the uhleloX Dashboard > Extensions control panel /admin.php?x_action=add&x_type=extensions.

Please note that CodeMirror and CKEditor can not be used toegether.


Add new relationships in /admin.php?x_action=add&x_type=relationships

  • UUID: {entity-a}_{entity-b} (SHOULD be singular database table names separated by underscores)
  • Type: m2m (none else supported yet)
  • Entity_a: database table name (the "left" partner in a relationship, MUST be database table name)
  • Entity_b: database table name (the "right" partner in a relationship, MUST be database table name) You can now connect any item of "left" database table to any item of "right" database table name. NOTE: currently only whitelisted tables are accepted for new relationships. See in the extension x-custom-types how to whitelist your own tables.

Todo and Future Plans

A lot, and many

  • finalise front end display, routing, templating, paginating...
  • finalise user management and role/capabilities...
  • finalise API (event(), currently add_action and add_filter)...
  • ... + ... Also see open issues in this GitHub project


To update an existing install, you can do so directly from within the uhleloX Dashboard. uhleloX has a remote API that will ship you the latest updates directly onto your server. You will (currenlty) need to manually run the "Check for updates" action (screen /admin.php?x_action=update).


A modern PHP Content Management System


License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:PHP 77.7%Language:CSS 14.2%Language:JavaScript 8.1%