uhjish / dc-addons

dc.js chart addons

Home Page:http://intellipharm.github.io/dc-addons/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


These dc.js addons provide new charts for the dc namespace.



bower install dc-addons --save
npm install dc-addons --save

You can either include all addons or each on individually as you need them. To see examples of individual addons see each addon below. The following example will include all addons.

<!-- dc-addons requirements -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="bower_components/leaflet/dist/leaflet.css" />
<script src="bower_components/leaflet/dist/leaflet.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="bower_components/leaflet.markercluster/dist/MarkerCluster.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="bower_components/leaflet.markercluster/dist/MarkerCluster.Default.css" />
<script src="bower_components/leaflet.markercluster/dist/leaflet.markercluster.js"></script>
<script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=API_KEY"></script>
<script src="http://google-maps-utility-library-v3.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/markerclusterer/src/markerclusterer.js"></script>script>
<script src="bower_components/d3-tip/index.js"></script>

<!-- dc-addons -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="bower_components/dc-addons/dist/dc-addons.min.css" />
<script src="bower_components/dc-addons/dist/dc-addons.min.js"></script>


This extension provides support for dc.js charts in a leaflet.js map. This is an extension of https://github.com/yurukov/dc.leaflet.js updated to work with dc.js version 2.


There are two charts currently implemented - markers and choropleth. They extend the base abstract leaflet chart. Both support selection of datapoints and update in real time. Styling and map options can be set directly to the map object and though functions in the chart. Check the Leaflet reference for more information on the specific map, marker and geojson options. Location can be set as either 'lat,lng' string or as an array [lat,lng].

Marker Chart

Each group is presented as one marker on the map.

  .mapOptions({..})       - set leaflet specific options to the map object; Default: Leaflet default options
  .center([1.1,1.1])      - initial location
  .zoom(7)                - initial zoom level
  .map()                  - get map object
  .locationAccessor()     - function (d) to access the property indicating the latlng (string or array); Default: keyAccessor
  .marker()               - set function (d,map) to build the marker object. Default: standard Leaflet marker is built
  .icon()                 - function (d,map) to build an icon object. Default: L.Icon.Default
  .popup()                - function (d,marker) to return the string or DOM content of a popup
  .renderPopup(true)      - set if popups should be shown; Default: true
  .cluster(false)         - set if markers should be clustered. Requires leaflet.markercluster.js; Default: false
  .clusterObject({..})    - options for the markerCluster object
  .rebuildMarkers(false)  - set if all markers should be rebuild each time the map is redrawn. Degrades performance; Default: false
  .brushOn(true)          - if the map would select datapoints; Default: true
  .filterByArea(false)    - if the map should filter data based on the markers inside the zoomed in area instead of the user clicking on individual markers; Default: false
  .markerGroup()          - get the Leaflet group object containing all shown markers (regular group or cluster)
  .popupOnHover(false)    - whether or not to display the popup when hovering the marker instead of click; Default: false
  .title()                - The html title attribute of the markers
  .fitOnRender(true)      - Whether or not to automatically position the map to fit all markers on the display after the initial rendering; Default: true
  .fitOnRedraw(false)     - Whether or not to automatically position the map to fit all markers on the display after the markers have been cross filtered; Default: false
  .tiles()                - function (map) return a new L.tileLayer object to set a custom tile;
Choropleth Chart

Each group is mapped to an feature on the map

  .mapOptions({..})       - set leaflet specific options to the map object; Default: Leaflet default options
  .center([1.1,1.1])      - get or set initial location
  .zoom(7)                - get or set initial zoom level
  .map()                  - get map object
  .geojson()              - geojson object describing the features
  .featureOptions()       - object or a function (feature, v) to set the options for each feature - warning this will override the d3 color scheming
  .featureKeyAccessor()   - function (feature) to return a feature property that would be compared to the group key; Defauft: feature.properties.key
  .popup()                - function (d,feature) to return the string or DOM content of a popup
  .renderPopup(true)      - set if popups should be shown; Default: true
  .brushOn(true)          - if the map would select datapoints; Default: true
Custom Chart

Gives you full control over what is displayed on the map

  .mapOptions({..})       - set leaflet specific options to the map object; Default: Leaflet default options
  .center([1.1,1.1])      - initial location
  .zoom(7)                - initial zoom level
  .map()                  - get map object
  .locationAccessor()     - function (d) to access the property indicating the latlng (string or array); Default: keyAccessor
  .renderItem()           - function (chart, map, d, i) the initial rendering of the map
  .redrawItem()           - function (chart, map, d, i) run on every crossfilter. The d object will have a filtered value added to it.



These are the requirements for the dc leaflet charts. Ther version number supplied is the version supported when created. It could work with later versions.

<!--- through bower -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="bower_components/leaflet/dist/leaflet.css" />
<script src="bower_components/leaflet/dist/leaflet.js"></script>

<!--- through cdn -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://cdn.leafletjs.com/leaflet-0.7.2/leaflet.css" />
<script src="http://cdn.leafletjs.com/leaflet-0.7.2/leaflet.js"></script>
<!--- through bower -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="bower_components/leaflet.markercluster/dist/MarkerCluster.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="bower_components/leaflet.markercluster/dist/MarkerCluster.Default.css" />
<script src="bower_components/leaflet.markercluster/dist/leaflet.markercluster.js"></script>

<!--- through cdn -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/leaflet.markercluster/0.4.0/MarkerCluster.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/leaflet.markercluster/0.4.0/MarkerCluster.Default.css" />
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/leaflet.markercluster/0.4.0/leaflet.markercluster.js"></script>

If you want to include individually

<script src="bower_components/dc-addons/dist/leaflet-map/dc-leaflet.min.js"></script>

Google Maps

This extension provides support for dc.js charts in a google map. This is an extension of https://github.com/yurukov/dc.leaflet.js modified to work with google maps and dc.js version 2.


There are two charts currently implemented - markers and choropleth. They extend the base abstract google chart. Both support selection of datapoints and update in real time. Styling and map options can be set directly to the map object and though functions in the chart. Check the Google maps reference for more information on the specific map, marker and geojson options. Location can be set as either 'lat,lng' string or as an array [lat,lng].

Marker Chart

Each group is presented as one marker on the map.

  .mapOptions({..})       - set google maps specific options to the map object; Default: Google maps default options
  .center([1.1,1.1])      - initial location
  .zoom(7)                - initial zoom level
  .map()                  - get map object
  .locationAccessor()     - function (d) to access the property indicating the latlng (string or array); Default: keyAccessor
  .marker()               - set function (d,map) to build the marker object. Default: standard Google map marker is built
  .icon()                 - function (d,map) to build an icon object. Default: L.Icon.Default
  .popup()                - function (d,marker) to return the string or DOM content of a popup
  .renderPopup(true)      - set if popups should be shown; Default: true
  .cluster(false)         - set if markers should be clustered. Requires markerclusterer; Default: false
  .clusterObject({..})    - options for the markerCluster object
  .rebuildMarkers(false)  - set if all markers should be rebuild each time the map is redrawn. Degrades performance; Default: false
  .brushOn(true)          - if the map would select datapoints; Default: true
  .filterByArea(false)    - if the map should filter data based on the markers inside the zoomed in area instead of the user clicking on individual markers; Default: false
  .markerGroup()          - get the Google maps group object containing all shown markers (regular group or cluster)
  .title()                - The html title attribute of the markers
  .fitOnRender(true)      - Whether or not to automatically position the map to fit all markers on the display after the initial rendering; Default: true
  .fitOnRedraw(false)     - Whether or not to automatically position the map to fit all markers on the display after the markers have been cross filtered; Default: false
Choropleth Chart

Each group is mapped to an feature on the map

  .mapOptions({..})       - set google maps specific options to the map object; Default: Google maps default options
  .center([1.1,1.1])      - get or set initial location
  .zoom(7)                - get or set initial zoom level
  .map()                  - get map object
  .geojson()              - geojson object describing the features
  .featureOptions()       - object or a function (feature) to set the options for each feature
  .featureKeyAccessor()   - function (feature) to return a feature property that would be compared to the group key; Defauft: feature.properties.key
  .popup()                - function (d,feature) to return the string or DOM content of a popup
  .renderPopup(true)      - set if popups should be shown; Default: true
  .brushOn(true)          - if the map would select datapoints; Default: true
Custom Chart

Gives you full control over what is displayed on the map

  .mapOptions({..})       - set google specific options to the map object; Default: Google default options
  .center([1.1,1.1])      - initial location
  .zoom(7)                - initial zoom level
  .map()                  - get map object
  .locationAccessor()     - function (d) to access the property indicating the latlng (string or array); Default: keyAccessor
  .renderItem()           - function (chart, map, d, i) the initial rendering of the map
  .redrawItem()           - function (chart, map, d, i) run on every crossfilter. The d object will have a filtered value added to it.



<!--- through cdn -->
<script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=API_KEY"></script>
<!--- through cdn -->
<script src="http://google-maps-utility-library-v3.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/markerclusterer/src/markerclusterer.js"></script>script>

If you want to include individually

<script src="bower_components/dc-addons/dist/google-map/dc-google.min.js"></script>

Tooltip Mixin

This allows you to add html and style the chart title


After you have rendered the chart than run the tooltip mixin on the chart

var chart = dc.barChart('#chart');
// set options...



Coming soon...


<!-- through bower -->
<script src="bower_components/d3-tip/index.js"></script>
<!-- through cdn -->
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3-tip/0.6.3/d3-tip.min.js"></script>

If you want to include individually

<link type="stylesheet" href="bower_components/dc-addons/dist/tooltip/dc-tooltip-mixin.min.css" />
<script src="bower_components/dc-addons/dist/tooltip/dc-tooltip-mixin.min.js"></script>

Pagination Mixin

This allows you to paginate a chart


After you have rendered the chart than run the pagination mixin on the chart

var chart = dc.barChart('#chart');
// set options...





If you want to include individually

<script src="bower_components/dc-addons/dist/pagination/dc-pagination-mixin.min.js"></script>

Bubble Cloud


var chart = dc.bubbleCloud('#chart');

// required options
    .radiusValueAccessor(function(d) {
        return d.value;

// optional options
    valueAccessor(function(d) {
        return d.value;
    .colorAccessor(function(d) {
        return d.value;
    .label(function(d) {
        return d.key;
    .title(function(d) {
        return d.key + ': ' + d.value;




If you want to include individually

<script src="bower_components/dc-addons/dist/bubble-cloud/dc-bubble-cloud.min.js"></script>

Paired Row

Two row charts beside each other, usually used for gender/age breakdowns


var chart = dc.pairedRowChart('#chart');

// the dimension is required to return an array
var ndx = crossfilter(experiments),
    ageGenderDimension = ndx.dimension(function(d) {
        var age_range = 'Unknown';

        if (d.age <= 9) {
            age_range = '0 - 9';
        } else if (d.age <= 19) {
            age_range = '10 - 19';
        } else if (d.age <= 29) {
            age_range = '20 - 29';
        } else if (d.age <= 39) {
            age_range = '30 - 39';
        } else if (d.age <= 49) {
            age_range = '40 - 49';
        } else if (d.age <= 59) {
            age_range = '50 - 59';
        } else if (d.age <= 69) {
            age_range = '60 - 69';
        } else if (d.age <= 79) {
            age_range = '70 - 79';
        } else if (d.age <= 89) {
            age_range = '80 - 89';
        } else if (d.age <= 99) {
            age_range = '90 - 99';
        } else if (d.age >= 100) {
            age_range = '100+';

        return [d.gender, age_range];
    ageGenderGroup = ageGenderDimension.group().reduceCount();

// required options
    // tells the left chart to filter the data based on this function
    .leftKeyFilter(function(d) {
        return d.key[0] === 'Male';
    // tells the right chart to filter the data based on this function
    .rightKeyFilter(function(d) {
        return d.key[0] === 'Female';

// optional options - this chart extends dc.rowChart, so it has all the same options.




If you want to include individually

<script src="bower_components/dc-addons/dist/paired-row/dc-paired-row-chart.min.js"></script>


Charts generated on the server for large datasets. Only the following charts currently work:

  • Pie
  • Bar
  • Row
  • Line


var chart = dc.serverChart('#chart');

        // required options
        server: '',
        name: 'my-chart', // The name of the object in the config file

        // optional options
        errorMessage: 'A problem occurred creating the charts. Please try again later',
        loadingMessage: 'Loading',
        reconnectingMessage: 'There appears to be a problem connecting to the server. Retyring...',
        connectionErrorMessage: 'Could not connect to the server.',

To get the server running

iojs index [full path to server-config.js]

The server-config.js file should look something like this.

var dc = require('dc');

module.exports = {
    'my-chart': {
        connection:  {
            host: 'localhost',
            username: 'root',
            password: 'password',
            database: 'my-database',
            sql: 'SELECT * FROM members'
        charts: [
                type: 'pieChart',
                options: {
                    width: 250,
                    height: 250,
                    margins: {
                        top: 30,
                        right: 50,
                        bottom: 25,
                        left: 40
                    dimension: function (d) {
                        if (d.gender === 0) {
                            return 'Male';
                        } else if (d.gender === 1) {
                            return 'Female';

                        return 'Unknown';
                    group: function (dimension) {
                        return dimension.group().reduceCount();


You will need to clone and run the server locally for an example


npm install iojs -g
  • dc-addons
npm install dc-addons --save

If you want to include individually

<script src="bower_components/dc-addons/dist/server/dc-server-chart-with-animations.min.js"></script>

AngularJS Directives

Angular directives for creating charts


Include the angular module AngularDc

angular.module('App', ['AngularDc']);

Create the chart. Chart options will be an object of all the charts settings.



Coming soon...


bower install angularjs --save

If you want to include individually

<script src="bower_components/dc-addons/dist/angular/angular-dc.min.js"></script>

Crossfilter Server

A shell for crossfilter to allow all calculations to happen on the server.


If the normal crossfilter library is not included, this library will take the crossfilter namespace.

    chart.group(crossfilterServer.group(function(filters, chartId, callback) {
        // send a request to the server and return the data in the callback
        ajax(function(response) {


You will need to clone and run the server locally for an example



If you want to include individually

<script src="bower_components/dc-addons/dist/crossfilter-server/crossfilter-server.min.js"></script>

Crossfilter Server With Elastic Search

Helper functions to integration dc.js charts with elastic search.


If the normal crossfilter library is not included, this library will take the crossfilter namespace.

    var query = {
        aggs: {
            date: {
                date_histogram: {
                    field: 'date_field',
                    interval: '1d',
            site: {
                histogram: {
                    field: 'site_id',
                    interval: 1,
    // when filtering a chart, the chart with the integer id will filter the values base on the given field
    var mapping = {
        1: 'date_field',
        2: 'site_id',

    var url = 'http://localhost:9200/_search';

    chart.group(crossfilterServer.group(function(filters, chartId, callback) {
        // send a request to the server and return the data in the callback
        crossfilterServer.elasticSearch.send(filters, chartId, url, query, mapping, function(data) {


You will need to clone and run the server locally for an example



If you want to include individually

<script src="bower_components/dc-addons/dist/crossfilter-server/crossfilter-server.min.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/dc-addons/dist/elastic-search/elastic-search.min.js"></script>


dc.js chart addons


License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 99.2%Language:CSS 0.8%