ugwulo / Team-Gold-mobile

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Team Gold Mobile (Quiz App)

To get started:

  • Fork the repository at the top right corner
  • Click on clone or download, copy the url you see after clicking on it
  • Head to your local machine and create a folder with an appropriate name
  • Right-click anywhere in the folder and choose git bash here, automatically git bash will open.
  • In your terminal or gitbash do git clone<your-github-user-name>/Team-Gold-Mobile.git
    for me it will look like this -> git clone
  • start your work do cd Team-Gold-Mobile

Now you need to add an upstream to track changes in the remote repository

  • run git remote add upstream
  • run `git pull upstream development

Now you need to create a new branch corresponding to what you are working on

example, if you are working on a feature called Widget it should be like this ->

  • git checkout -b feat/widget or git checkout -b feat/widget-quiz-questions (use hiphen to seperate different words).

  • Make your Contribution, When you are done ->

  • run git add .

  • run git commit -m "feature: create <whatever-you-did>"

  • run git push origin feat/widget remember, it should be the name of the branch you created earlier.

  • Go-To github, locate the repository you forked earlier, you will see compare and pull request
    click on it and type your message, click on create pull request.

  • Wait for merge and or get on with another feature.

Happy Contributing!!
