ugurcan377 / pafin-challenge

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Pafin Typescript Challenge

Running app and tests with Docker

Assuming you have docker and docker compose installed you can run the tests using the following command

docker compose --profile test up

For running the api itself, you can run the following command

docker compose --profile server up

It will setup the application at the 3000 port of localhost

Running app and tests locally

For running the app locally first you need an PostgreSQL server ready, if you already have it you can just create a .env file with the connection url


otherwise you can just use PostgreSQL container from the docker compose, note that it uses the default 5432 port, this will conflict a local PostgreSQL installation

docker compose up -d postgres

and use the default the following connection string for this container


After the database is ready you need to install the dependencies

npm install

Prisma ORM client files need to be generated,

npx prisma generate

Then creating the tables in the database for the first time,

npx prisma db push

Alternatively if you want some example data to be seeded into the database,

npm run seed

Finally the api can be started with

npm run dev

It will setup the application at the 3000 port of localhost

For running the tests you can use

npm run test

This will the delete the contents of the user table so it's strongly recommended to use a different database for testing

Using the API

Examples here are provided with curl. If you wish to you can use your favorite HTTP client instead Most of the endpoints in the API is protected so first you need a JWT token to access the api

curl localhost:3000/auth

It will return


For simplity sake it's a static token for this application, this can be extended to issue tokens using the provided credentials in the future You can use it as a standard bearer to token to access the api

curl -s localhost:3000/users  -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" | jq .
    "id": "16b83556-ef4c-4b0f-9e3d-3dc25a393afb",
    "email": "",
    "name": "Yamashita Ayaka",
    "password": "nadeshiko1"
    "id": "4642e643-f481-4d8c-af39-75dd5d4baaa9",
    "email": "",
    "name": "Shimizu Risa",
    "password": "nadeshiko2"
    "id": "70129663-0f81-446b-9aaa-8671becf4bb8",
    "email": "",
    "name": "Minami Moeka",
    "password": "nadeshiko3"

In a normal app, passwords would be stored with salted hashes and will be omitted from the response, here I skipped those steps because this is a simple app for demonstration purposes

API Documentation


  • /users: Get all users
  • /users/:id: Get a single user based on the id, id has to be a valid uuid


  • /users: Create a new user
    • Body:
      • name: string (required): Name of the user
      • email: string (required): Email for the user, has to be a valid email
      • password: string (required): Password for the user, has to be minimum 8 characters


  • /users/:id: Modify a single user based on the id, id has to be a valid uuid
    • Body:
      • name: string (optional): Name of the user
      • email: string (optional): Email for the user, has to be a valid email
      • password: string (optional): Password for the user, has to be minimum 8 characters


  • /users/:id: Delete a single user based on the id, id has to be a valid uuid


License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 97.0%Language:Dockerfile 3.0%