uf0o / custombase

Encode or decode base64 or base32 using a custom alphabet

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Encode or decode base64 or base32 using a custom alphabet

usage: custombase.py [-h] -in STRING_IN | -f FILE_IN [-c CUSTOMALPHABET] [-32] [-hex]
                     [-r REPLACE] [-e] [-d]

Decode or encode base64 or base32 with an optional custom alphabet

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -in STRING_IN, --string_in STRING_IN
                        Input string that needs to be encoded/decoded
  -f FILE_IN, --file_in FILE_IN
                        Input filename that needs to be encoded/decoded
                        Specify a custom alphabet
  -32, --base32         Use base32 instead of base64
  -hex, --hexdump       Output with hexdump()
  -r REPLACE, --replace REPLACE
                        Replace padding (=/equal sign) with something
  -e, --encode          Encode string
  -d, --decode          Replace equal sign padding (=) with something


  • Pirpi custom base32:
$ python custombase.py -i '[extracted encoded html content here]' -c 'V1234567890oKabcdefgABCDEFGwxyzW' -32 -d -hex
Decoded Output: [varies]
  • Hwdoor custom base64 discussed by Talos (ref: hxxp://blog[.]talosintelligence[.]com/2017/02/korean-maldoc.html):
python custombase.py -i 'BKBcEcnxUKToBIBxAcToQn7IVVEQNQEFKVHVVPVJA0MfZyVchIESUgzYJQ3PK0hKYGE3w4DgiKBbYGhcZ4MmwGLkXYugA4uP' -c 'THISPROGAMCNBEUFLDJKQVWYZXviwhatrudongqyempsljkfxzbc(0546312879)' -d
Decoded output: 13379090#0#0#0#ROBUST-COMPUTER#Robust#C:\WINDOWS\system32\wscript.exe#xD


Encode or decode base64 or base32 using a custom alphabet


Language:Python 100.0%