uf-mil / discord-bot

🤖 Bot used to manage chaos in the MIL Discord Server

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Create reminder system for leaders to clean out stale tasks

cbrxyz opened this issue · comments

The objective is to develop an embeddable viewer that succinctly presents the details of a GitHub issue. This viewer will be integrated into the software-leadership communication channel, enabling leaders to make informed decisions regarding the closure or update of issues.

Action Items:

  1. Develop the Embed: Craft a simple, intuitive embed view that aggregates and displays key information about GitHub tasks, including status, assignees, and last activity date.

  2. Engage Software Leadership for Decision Making: Upon the viewer's implementation, initiate a protocol to consult with leaders in the software-leadership channel. The aim is to solicit their input on whether an issue should be concluded or necessitates further action.

  3. Establish a Recurrent Task Schedule: Implement a system to routinely review and address stale issues. This includes setting up automated reminders for leaders to evaluate and clean out tasks that no longer contribute to current project goals or have remained inactive for a predetermined period.