uedev / elixir_ami

An Elixir AMI client

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


An Asterisk client for the AMI protocol written in Elixir. For a quick introduction to AMI you can read this.

This is similar to PAMI for PHP, NAMI for NodeJS, and erlami for Erlang.

Using it with Mix

To use it in your Mix projects, first add it as a dependency:

def deps do
  [{:elixir_ami, "~> 0.0.3"}]

Then run mix deps.get to install it.

Also add the app in your mix.exs file:

    applications: [:logger, :elixir_ami],

Connecting to Asterisk

To create a connection, you need to specify the connection information like this:

alias ElixirAmi.Connection, as: Conn

connection_data = %Conn{
  name: :my_connection,       # The gen_server connection will be registered with this name
  host: "",
  port: 5038,
  username: "frank",
  password: "lean",
  connection_timeout: 5000,   # How many millseconds to wait when connecting
  reconnect_timeout: 5000     # Wait this many milliseconds before attempting reconnection

Using the built in supervisor

The recommended way to create a connection is to take advantage of the built in supervisor, using ElixirAmi.Supervisor.Ami (this connection will be automatically supervised and restarted in case of a crash):

alias ElixirAmi.Supervisor.Ami, as AmiSup

{:ok, pid} = AmiSup.new connection_data

Creating a connection without the supervisor

To start a connection under your own supervision tree or OTP application structure, use ElixirAmi.Connection.start_link or ElixirAmi.Connection.start as follows:

{:ok, pid} = Conn.start_link connection_data

Sending an action

You can find actions inside the Action module (feel free to open pull requests to add more!).

alias ElixirAmi.Action, as: Action

Conn.send_action :my_connection, Action.ping

  source: :my_connection,
  action_id: "-576460752303423460",
  complete: true,
  events: [],
  keys: %{
    "ping" => "Pong",
    "timestamp" => "1445770404.871145"
  success: true,
  variables: %{}

The response will make its best to return all related events for the response (there might be cases where the Asterisk will violate the AMI protocol and this will not be possible). Sometimes the implementation of the events is not consistent, or it's just broken. Please report any issues you may have and I'll try to fix them.

All related events will be returned in the events key of the response.

Sending custom actions

If you want to send an action that is not already supported in the Action module, you have two choices:

  • Open a pull request (recommended :))
  • Use the function Action.new/3 to create your custom action and send it. This is actually the function used behind the scenes to send the supported actions.

Using Action.new

Conn.send_action :my_connection, Action.new(
  %{mykey: "myvalue"},
  %{myvar: "myvarvalue"}

Where the arguments are:

  1. The action name
  2. The key values for the action (optional)
  3. Additional variables (optional)

Receiving events

To receive asynchronous events (i.e: not related to a response) you can register listeners with their filters, both are of type function and will receive 3 arguments:

  • source: The connection name.
  • listener_id: The current listener id.
  • event: The event received from asterisk.

Registering event listeners

listener_id = Conn.add_listener(
  fn(source, listener_id, event) -> event.event === "varset" end,

The filter must return true or false. If it returns true, the second function (in this case MyModule.my_function/2 will be called with the same arguments) to process the event, the result is discarded.

Removing event listeners

Conn.del_listener :my_connection, listener_id


Feel free to take a look at the documentation served by hex.pm or the source itself to find more.


The source code is released under Apache 2 License.

Check LICENSE file for more information.


An Elixir AMI client

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Elixir 100.0%