ucsd-progsys / liquid-server

Web Server for Liquid-Types demos.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A Generic web server for all the liquid-types based web demos.

There is nothing liquid specific of course, one can put in whatever binary one likes as long as there is a binary that has the following behavior:

  • Input Source file path/to/foo
  • Output JSON file path/to/foo.json in the format specfied below.

Now with concurrency

JSON Format

The JSON file has data about:

{ "status" : "safe" + "unsafe" + "crash" + "error"
, "errors" : [{ "message" : string 
              , "start"   : { "line" : number, "col" : number } 
              , "stop"    : { "line" : number, "col" : number } 

In the examples below the ann field is a raw string that is rendered, as is, i.e. with any present whitespace, in the tooltips.

Example 1

{ "status":"error"
, "types" : {}
, "errors":[{"message":"Crash: Type ErrorsTC-ERROR Type identifier 'strin' unbound"
            ,"stop"   :{"column":31,"line":1}
            ,"start"  :{"column":25,"line":1}}

Example 2

{ "status":"safe"
, "types" :{"4":{"7": { "col":7
                      , "ident":"y_SSA_0"
                      , "row":4
                      , "ann": "{v : String | (v = lit#dog),\n              (v = lq_tmp_nano1),\n              (ttag([v]) = lit#string)}"}
                      ,"ann":"{v : String | (v = lit#dog),(ttag([v]) = lit#string)}"}   
                      ,"ann":"(VV#0:Int) =\u003e String"}
                      ,"ann":"{v : Int | (ttag([v]) = lit#number)}"
                      ,"ann":"{v : String | (v = lit#cat),(ttag([v]) = lit#string)}" 

Note you can populate the types field regardless of the value of the status field. The types, if provided, are reflected on the client side ace-editor based pane with tooltips.


  1. Build

    $ stack install

  2. Run (make sure that the toolName binary, described below, is in the $PATH)

    $ liquid-server -p 8000 resources/custom/toolName/config.json

  3. Use by pointing your web-browser to


    or the relevant URL. (Don't forget the index.html)

Of course you can pick a port other than 8000 if you like.

Directory Structure

Directory Structure

  • resources/

    • static/
      • index.html
      • fullpage.html
      • js/
      • css/
      • img/
      • demos/
  • custom/ TOOLNAME1/ config.json config.js demos/ sandbox/

    TOOLNAME2/ config.json config.js demos/ sandbox/



To configure to a new checker called toolName create a directory


and populate it with:


As an example, see:

  • resources/custom/liquidhaskell/
  • resources/custom/nanojs/

Usage Notes

  1. Command line parameters for the tool (e.g. include directories) should be passed via pragmas (e.g. {-@ LIQUID ... @-}) in the source file.

  2. Include directories don't work for remote use, only local.

  3. When running in local mode, you should also be able to save a file.


Web Server for Liquid-Types demos.



Language:JavaScript 96.5%Language:Haskell 2.4%Language:CSS 0.5%Language:Rust 0.3%Language:HTML 0.2%Language:Makefile 0.0%