ucsd-cse-spis-2016 / spis16-project-planning-webapps-David-Olivia

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


David L. Olivia T., Webapps, Mentor: Niral

  • Am I Cute Blog: Show pictures and ask people to rate it.

We plan to build a blog where the user rates photos on a scale of 1-5 of cuteness. The user can upload photos for others to rate and can get back the average rating for each photo. When users rate photos, they can see the photo's statistics (ex. how many people rated it, average rating, etc.) The interface will be cute.

website on heroku: https://salty-everglades-26331.herokuapp.com/


  • Stage 1: Set up working website on heroku.
  • Stage 2: Have the website be able to display and upload photos into a database.
  • Stage 3: Display the photo and have a section where the user can rate the photo and save that input into the database.
  • Stage 4: Write a function that calculates the statistics and return that to the user.
  • Stage 5: Set up a place where the user can view the statistics of all the pictures the user have uploaded.
  • Stage 6: Improve the user interface
  • gif. http://yogscast.wikia.com/wiki/File:Flying_cat_balls.gif


  • github oauth login
  • upload image
  • postgress database: username, login, ratings of pictures
  • upload image to postgress database

For learning Postgres, try this: http://blog.y3xz.com/blog/2012/08/16/flask-and-postgresql-on-heroku
