uci-soe / fetch-fms

Fetch contents of a filemaker database

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Fetch FileMaker Server

Intended to download and archive FileMaker Layouts for reading with other programs.


$ npm install --global uci-soe/fetch-fms


# Read the help
fetch-fms --help

# Get layout foo from foobar@location.com using user and password hello and world
fetch-fms --host http://location.com/ --username hello --password world --database foobar foo

# Save below as defaults in `~/.fetchFms.json`
fetch-fms --host http://location.com/ --username hello --password world --database foobar --save-settings

# Get all layouts' data and make zip at `./archive.zip` with layout.json for each layout
fetch-fms --get-all --zip --output archive.zip

# Get layouts people, jobs, and addresses and put into `/tmp/layouts` directory in minified JSON
fetch-fms --output /tmp/layouts people jobs addresses --json

# find all people with "john" in their name
fetch-fms people | grep john

# save each layout, people, places, and things, each as archives in CSV format
for LAYOUT in "people" "places" "things" 
  fetch-fms $LAYOUT --zip --output "${LAYOUT}.zip" --csv


Fetch contents of a filemaker database


Language:JavaScript 100.0%