uchuhimo / amanda

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Create a virtual environment

conda env create -f environment.yml
source activate amanda

Install dependencies

There are two options:

  • Use pip:

    pip install -e ".[dev]"
  • Use poetry:

    poetry install
  • Build in debug mode for C++:

    DEBUG=1 poetry install

Run an example

make build_cc
amanda-download tf --model vgg16 --root-dir downloads
python src/amanda/tools/debugging/insert_debug_op_tensorflow.py


Basic Instrumentation

Import Amanda

import amanda

Declare instrumentation tool

class CountConvTool(amanda.Tool):
    def __init__(self):
        self.counter = 0

    def callback(self, context: amanda.OpContext):
        op = context.get_op()
        if op.__name__ == "conv2d":

    def counter_op(self, *inputs):
        self.counter += 1
        return inputs

Apply instrumentation tool to model execution

import torch
from torchvision.models import resnet50

tool = CountConvTool()
with amanda.apply(tool):
    model = resnet50()
    x = torch.rand((2, 3, 227, 227))


We provide the following examples of DNN analysis and optimization tasks.

Task Type TensorFlow PyTorch Mapping
tracing analysis
profiler analysis
FLOPs profiler analysis
effective path analysis
error injection analysis
pruning optimization


The usage of amanda:

Usage: amanda [OPTIONS] [TOOL_ARGS]...

  -i, --import [amanda_proto|amanda_yaml|tensorflow_pbtxt|tensorflow_checkpoint|tensorflow_saved_model|torchscript|onnx_model|onnx_graph|mmdnn]
                                  Type of the imported model.  [required]
  -f, --from PATH                 Path of the imported model.  [required]
  -e, --export [amanda_proto|amanda_yaml|tensorflow_pbtxt|tensorflow_checkpoint|tensorflow_saved_model|torchscript|onnx_model|onnx_graph|mmdnn]
                                  Type of the exported model.  [required]
  -t, --to PATH                   Path of the exported model.  [required]
  -ns, --namespace TEXT           Namespace of the graph instrumented by the

  -T, --tool TEXT                 Fully qualified name of the tool.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

E.g. use a tool to insert debugging ops into a TensorFlow graph from a checkpoint:

# download the checkpoint
amanda-download tf --model vgg16 --root-dir downloads
# run the debugging tool
amanda --import tensorflow_checkpoint --from downloads/model/vgg16/imagenet_vgg16.ckpt \
       --export tensorflow_checkpoint --to tmp/modified_model/vgg16/imagenet_vgg16.ckpt \
       --namespace amanda/tensorflow \
       --tool amanda.tools.debugging.insert_debug_op_tensorflow.DebuggingTool
# run the modified model
amanda-run amanda.tools.debugging.insert_debug_op_tensorflow.run_model --model-dir tmp/modified_model/vgg16

The modified model will be saved into tmp/modified_model/vgg16, and the debugging information will be stored into tmp/debug_info/vgg16.

E.g. convert a TensorFlow model to an Amanda graph:

amanda --import tensorflow_checkpoint --from downloads/model/vgg16/imagenet_vgg16.ckpt \
       --export amanda_yaml --to tmp/amanda_graph/vgg16/imagenet_vgg16

The Amanda graph will be saved into tmp/amanda_graph/vgg16.

E.g. convert an Amanda graph to a TensorFlow model:

amanda --import amanda_yaml --from tmp/amanda_graph/vgg16/imagenet_vgg16 \
       --export tensorflow_checkpoint --to tmp/tf_model/vgg16/imagenet_vgg16.ckpt

The TensorFlow model will be saved into tmp/tf_model/vgg16.

Import a model (from TensorFlow/ONNX/...)

E.g. import from a TensorFlow checkpoint:

graph = amanda.tensorflow.import_from_checkpoint(checkpoint_dir)

See amanda/conversion/tensorflow.py for all supported import operations in TensorFlow.

Export a model (to TensorFlow/ONNX/...)

E.g. export to a TensorFlow checkpoint:

amanda.tensorflow.export_to_checkpoint(graph, checkpoint_dir)

See amanda/conversion/tensorflow.py for all supported export operations in TensorFlow.

All supported import/export modules

Framework Module
TensorFlow amanda.tensorflow
PyTorch amanda.pytorch
ONNX amanda.onnx
MMdnn amanda.mmdnn

modify the graph

See amanda/graph.py for all Graph/Op APIs.

Import amanda:

import amanda

Create a new op and its output tensors:

op =  amanda.create_op(
    inputs=["input", "filter"],

Update an op’s attribute:

op.attrs["data_format"] = "NHWC"

Create a new graph:

graph = amanda.create_graph(
    ops=[op1, op2],

Add an op to a graph:


Remove an op from a graph:


Add an edge to a graph:

graph.create_edge(op1.output_port("output"), op2.input_port("input"))

Remove an edge from a graph:




cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=`python -c "import torch;print(torch.utils.cmake_prefix_path)"`\;`python -m pybind11 --cmakedir` -S cc -B build
cd build

For VSCode:

cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=`python -c "import torch;print(torch.utils.cmake_prefix_path)"`\;`python -m pybind11 --cmakedir` -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=TRUE -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -S cc -B .vscode/build -G Ninja

Install git pre-commit hooks

pre-commit install

Update git pre-commit hooks

pre-commit autoupdate

run tests

amanda-download all --root-dir downloads
make build_cc
KMP_AFFINITY=disabled pytest -n 2

Run quick tests only:

KMP_AFFINITY=disabled pytest -n 2 -m "not slow"

Run a single test:

pytest src/amanda/tests/test_op.py -k "test_new_op"

Show information about installed packages

poetry show --latest
# or
poetry show --outdated

Show dependency tree

poetry show --tree
# or
poetry show --tree pytest

Update dependencies

poetry update

Bump version

bumpversion minor  # major, minor, patch

Measure code coverage

coverage run -m pytest
coverage html




Language:Python 89.7%Language:C++ 4.1%Language:Jupyter Notebook 3.5%Language:CMake 2.4%Language:Makefile 0.4%