uc-bd2k / SigNetA_Docker

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


INSTALLATION: Download this application from github(e.g. download as ZIP) Open terminal and go to the directory of the folder that was downloaded and open R console. If packrat(a dependency manager package) is installed, turn it off by typing packrat::off()

Installing packages(if not already installed):

Install devtools first. command: install.packages(devtools)

rcytoscapjs: Commands: library("devtools"); devtools::install_github("cytoscape/r-cytoscape.js");

For more info:https://github.com/cytoscape/r-cytoscape.js

shiny: Command: install.packages("shiny")

shinyjs: Commands: install.packages("shinyjs")

Bionet: Command: source("https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R"); biocLite("BioNet")

For more info:https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/BioNet.html

CLEAN: Command: install_github("uc-bd2k/CLEAN")

CLEAN.Hs: Command: install_github("uc-bd2k/CLEAN.Hs")

RMySQL: Command: install.packages("RMySQL")

SigNetAcytoscapejs: Command: install_github("Saadman/SigNetAcytoscapejs")

While running the application there might be a prompt to install new packages if it doesn't already exist in the users library.


Command: library(shiny) runApp()

*Tested on Chrome browser



Language:R 90.7%Language:Dockerfile 4.0%Language:JavaScript 3.2%Language:HTML 2.1%