ubitux / scripts

Miscellaneous scripts

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ubitux scripts

This repository contains a bunch of more or less useful helper scripts that I either use regularly, or used punctually in the past. I actually have many other but they unfortunately contain personal settings I'm not willing to share.

I may accept PR for fixes, but can't promise review for large or intrusive PR, these scripts remain pretty personalized.

The overall quality of the scripts is not always great, use them at your own risk.

Daily scripts (utils directory)

These scripts are deployed using install-utils, which relies on stow.

  • acc_add_mail_alias: create a mail alias; this is generally called after acc_new
    • depends on the config, an OpenSMTPD setup, and a local repository with a copy of the SMTPD aliases
  • acc_new: provide two commands (acc_add_mail_alias and acc_register) to help creating a new account on a random website/service/whatever (sometimes only the mail is necessary, sometimes only login/password pair, hence the split). The space printed before the command are actually useful not to have them registered in the shell history
  • acc_register: register an account and its password in a pass keychain
    • depends on the config, the kp setup
  • android_files: mount the Android device and open file browser on its mount point
    • depends on the config and mtp_mount
  • android_sync_dcim: mount the Android device, copy its DCIM directory locally, and remove them from the device
    • depends on the config and mtp_mount
  • android_sync_quicknotes: mount the Android device, and append the "quick notes" into the local notes scratchpad, then delete the file from the device
    • depends on the config and mtp_mount
  • backup: interrogate one backup (wrapper on top of restic)
    • depends on the config, the kp setup, a restic server, and probably more stuff I'm forgetting
  • backups: interrogate all backups (basically call backup for all the hosts identified in the kp database)
    • depends on the config, backup, etc
    • typical command: backups snapshots --latest 5 --compact
  • bh: "bh" is a shorthand for "blackhole", basically a place to upload files and share them through http
  • bpaste: similar to bh but oriented for sharing text files / command outputs
    • depends on the config
    • used exclusively as a pipe (ls -l | bpaste or bpaste my-great-file < my.file: the optional argument is only here to tweak the URL a bit
  • c: calendar integration with remind and my notes (rem specs is extracted from a markdown quote); it watches for changes on the file and reload the calendar view when it happens
  • conv-to-mp3: find all music files and convert them to mp3 (if needed, with FFmpeg), preserving the file tree.
  • gifenc: encode a video to a GIF file using FFmpeg and the palette mechanism, supports fps, scale and a few other flags
  • hex: convert hex strings to their ASCII/binary representation (works with spaces)
  • i3mvws: move all the windows from one workspace to another
    • i3mvws 7 2 will move all windows in workspace 7 to workspace 2
  • kcheck: check if the current running kernel is matching the installed package (Archlinux only) in order to see if I need a reboot
  • kp: key pass wrapper
    • depends on the config
    • requires a specific git repository with both pass db and GnuPG home directory
  • kpf: on top of kp but with fzf for fuzzy finding an account
  • mtp_mount: auto mount all MTP devices using GIO command line tool (depends on gvfs-mtp)
  • mtp_umount: auto umount all MTP devices using GIO command line tool (depends on gvfs-mtp)
  • music_clean_dir: music from the Internet is usually polluted with various form of garbage, this script gets rid of it
  • newday: first thing I execute when I wake up; it creates a new entry in my vimwiki notes and prepare the daily commit in the git, which I update through the day until its last review before bed time.
  • notes_stats: a bunch of stats of my notes
  • pytunes: connect to MPD, scp all files from the playlist locally, and eventually convert them to the specified audio format
  • record: capture a selection (window or free-form) or the full screen and reencode it into a web-shareable file, using FFmpeg; X11 only
  • rssfind: find RSS links given an URL, depends on curl and htmlq
  • shot: takes a screenshot using shot and uploads it
  • shotl: takes a screenshot using shotgun. Supports delaying the screenshot -d DELAY, editing after the screenshot is taken (-e), picking a specific zone (-s) and an output file argument
    • depends on the config, shotgun, slop (for selection) and pwgen
  • smux: connect to an host, start tmux if the target session is not up, and attach to it. I do have aliases such as alias music='smux myserver music' and alias rss='smux myserver rss' (same user/server, different sessions)
  • temp: convert temperatures (args or stdin) between °C and °F
  • term_switch_iosevka: stupid script to switch alacritty to Iosevka font
  • term_switch_profont: stupid script to switch alacritty to ProFont
  • urlencode: URL encode a string, used by some of the other scripts, and sometimes I also use it manually
  • weight_stats: extract the weight stats from my notes and graph them with gnuplot


Some scripts depend on a config file. For those, the file template config file needs to be copied to a config file and adjusted appropriately.

Punctual scripts (oneshot directory)

  • axgen.py: this is more a template than anything, it helps making an automatic grid of diagrams with matplotlib
  • best-pi.py: brute-force script to find the most retarded π approximation (spoiler: 22/7)
  • bezier-anim.py: script used to generate the deconstructed animated Bézier video in one of my blog post
  • simd-aarch64.py: generates an SVG cheatsheet for a bunch of AArch64 SIMD instructions, can be seen on Twitter



Miscellaneous scripts


Language:Python 51.7%Language:Shell 48.3%