tysker / 3sem-traefik-setup-remote

Traefik setup that includes https certification, redirect and watchtower for CI. The rest-api image inside the docker-compose file is build on Javalin(Java). For testing the endpoints check out the http file inside the project.)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Træfik Setup Remote




  • Check if all containers are running with docker ps -a
  • Check if all env variables are set in .env file and are correct
  • Check if docker compose has read all environment variables with docker-compose config
  • Check the logs of the individual container with docker logs <container_name> or docker logs --follow <container_name>
  • Did you remember to add your domain to the DigitalOcean DNS servers?
  • Did you remember to add a wildcard DNS record for your domain?
  • Did you remember to create the acme.json file and set the correct permissions?
  • Run your docker compose file with docker-compose up (without the -d flag) and check the output logs for errors


1. Clone the repository

  git clone https://github.com/tysker/3sem-traefik-setup-remote.git
  • Rename the folder to your project name (optional)
  • Delete the .git folder
  • Delete the Readme.md, traefik, utility and images folder
  • Create a new repository on GitHub
  • Initialize a new git repository inside your project folder
  • Add your new repository as a remote and push your code

3. Generate digital ocean token

  • To generate a digital ocean token, go to DigitalOcean and create a new token.

  • Copy the token and save it somewhere safe. You will need it later.

4. Install apache2-utils inside your droplet terminal

  sudo apt-get install apache2-utils

5. Generate a traefik hashed dashboard login (droplet linux terminal )

  echo $(htpasswd -nb <your_username> <your_password>) | sed -e s/\\$/\\$\\$/g

  • Copy the output and save it somewhere safe. You will need it later.

6. Clone the repository into your droplet

  • remember to push your code to your repository before cloning it into your droplet

7. Inside the project set permissions for the acme.json file and folder

  chmod 600 ./acme
  chmod 600 ./acme/acme.json

8. Create a .env file at the root of your project and add the following environment variables

# Lets-encrypt - Digital Ocean
DO_AUTH_TOKEN=<your_digital_ocean_token> (see step 3)

# Traefik
DASHBOARD_AUTH=<your_traefik_dashboard_login> (see step 4 and 5)


# Postgres

# Watchtower

SECRET_KEY=super_secret_key (has to include at least 32 characters letters and numbers)
TOKEN_EXPIRE_TIME=1800000 (30 minutes)

Frontend Deployment

1. Create a new file called nginx.conf and add the following code

server {
    listen       80;
    listen  [::]:80;
    server_name  localhost;

    location / {
        root   /usr/share/nginx/html;
        index  index.html index.htm;
        try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;

2. Create a new file called Dockerfile and add the following code

# First stage: build the react app
# FROM tiangolo/node-frontend:10 as build-stage
FROM node:18 as build-stage
COPY package*.json /app/
RUN npm install
COPY . .
RUN npm run build

# Second stage: use the build output from the first stage with nginx
FROM nginx:1.25
COPY --from=build-stage /app/dist/ /usr/share/nginx/html

# Copy the default nginx.conf to get the try-files directive to work with react router
COPY ./nginx.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf

3. Add both files to your frontend root folder (same level as package.json) and push your code to your git repo

The above requires that you have already set up a github workflow (pipeline) for your frontend project.

4. Exchange the schoolhack image in the docker-compose file with your own image

  image: <your_docker_hub_username>/<your_docker_hub_repo_name>:<your_docker_hub_tag>

Remember to replace everything related to schoolhack with your own project name

How to use it

Run Docker

  docker-compose up -d

Stop Docker

  docker-compose down

Access Traefik Dashboard through browser


Access Your Rest Api

  <your_domain>/<your_api_path> (example: api.3sem.dk/api or restapi.3sem.dk/api)

Reset DB data installation

(-v) // remove volumes

 docker-compose down -v 
 sudo  rm -rf ./data

Connect your remote database to your local pgAdmin container


Testing the api

  • use the http file inside the utility folder to test the api

3 semester local environment setup


Traefik setup that includes https certification, redirect and watchtower for CI. The rest-api image inside the docker-compose file is build on Javalin(Java). For testing the endpoints check out the http file inside the project.)