tylerreckart / mortar

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Mortar is a simple, themeable static site generator bent towards blogs. It doesn't make bold assumptions about what the user wants or burden them with complex configurations and deployment requirements. Simply put, it doesn't try to outsmart the user. Mortar takes content, renders Markdown templates, and spits out a complete static website ready to be served by any web server.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone git@github.com:tylerreckart/mortar.git
  1. Install the dependencies:
npm install
  1. Build the base theme:
npm run build

The static output will be put into a build directory at the base of the repository. For local development, pointing a virtual host such as Vagrant to the build directory will ensure all of the paths work correctly. When deploying to a server, all you have to do is point the server's configuration to serve from the build folder and you're set.


All configuration for site-wide variables should be done in the mortar-config.js file.

The a configuration using the default theme may look like this:

  outdir: path.join(__dirname, "/build"),
  theme: "mortar",
  siteConfig: {
    url: "https://mortar.blog.test",
    name: "mortar.blog",
    icon: "https://emojis.slackmojis.com/emojis/images/1558099591/5711/ahhhhhhhhh.gif?1558099591",
    intro: "Hello, World",
  seoConfig: {
    title: "My Mortar Blog",
    author: "An anonymous corporation",
    description: "A blog built with Mortar",

The default theme additionally accepts two conditional configurations in the shape of the socialConfig and integrations properties. These can be used to add social media accounts as well as integrate with third party services like Google Analytics.

  socialConfig: {
    twitter: "",
  integrations: {
    gaTrackingId: "",


Mortar currently comes bundled with a single theme, Mortar. This is a static, dark-mode aware blogging theme with a simple layout optimized for responsiveness and SEO. The HTML markup for the theme and pages is generated through Pug templates. Pug (formerly Jade) is a high-performance templating engine built especially for working with node apps. The syntax, heavily influenced by Haml, is simple and only takes a few minutes to pick up.

The following is the pug template for the default theme's homepage:

include mixins/time.pug
doctype html
    if seoConfig.title
    if seoConfig.description
      meta(name="description", content=seoConfig.description)
      meta(name="description", content="")
    include template-parts/head.pug
      include template-parts/nav.pug
      include template-parts/intro.pug
      each post in posts
            a(href=post.path) #[h2=post.attributes.title]
            | !{post.body}
      include template-parts/footer.pug


See the LICENSE file.


License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 48.7%Language:CSS 26.7%Language:Pug 24.6%