tylerhutcherson / rec_test

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This template shows example usage of the Metis Machine platform for the purpose of building a recommendation engine model. Given a dataset of user IDs, item IDs, and ratings (either boolean or range), this template allows the user to get item recommendations for each user stored in a separate table. Here we use user votes (thumbs up and down) on various movies as the example use case.


  1. User must have python 3.6
  2. User must have skafos CLI and skafos SDK installed (brew install skafos)
  3. User must have git installed and a github account created --> https://git-scm.com

Project Structure

  • movies
    • __init__.py
    • constants.py
    • logger.py
    • helpers.py
  • metis.config.yml
  • environment.yml
  • README.md
  • engine.py


  • The files in movies contain helper functions, various constants (table schemas), and a logger.
  • engine.py is the main script that runs for this task. It performs the following:
    • Generates fake user-movie votes and stores them in a table (unless a keyspace is provided).
    • Pulls in votes data from table and does some reshaping and cleaning.
    • Trains a recommender model using Explicit Matrix Factorization (using PyTorch based implementation called Spotlight)
    • Generates movie recommendations for each user


These are the environment variables that could be set from the terminal in the project directory using the Skafos CLI.


  • BATCH_SIZE, default=10: Number of rows written to the database at a time.
  • KEYSPACE, default=None: Namespace in cassandra if the user has a set of tables to use that are pre-built.


Once the user is ready to fire it off (after following the dependency steps above):

  1. CREATE: a github repository and attach it to the skafos app here --> https://github.com/apps/skafos
  2. OPEN: one of the files and make some sort of change (add a comment, add new functionality, change config file, etc)
  3. From Project Directory RUN:
  $ git init
  $ git add .
  $ git commit -am "<message>"
  $ git remote add origin git@github.com:<organization>/<repository-name>.git



Language:Python 100.0%