tyfiero / tyfiero

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Welcome to my GitHub Profile!

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I'm Ty, a self-taught developer building cool projects in Seattle, Washington. I currently work at Open Interpreter crafting new ways to interact with your computer.

I'm interested in beautiful user experiences with modern web technologies, and playing with AI through LangChain and AI image generators like DALLE-2 & MidJourney.

I started my career in Microbiology, but I shifted to web development in June of 2021 because I wanted to have more opportunities to express my creativity and build valuable things to share with the world. Check out my website for a list of my projects and past work.

My inbox is always open for collaboration! 😄

💻Tech Stack

Python TypeScript JavaScipt React Next JS Svelte Tailwind CSS Sass OpenAI Redux Firebase Supabase Postgres p5.js

🍎 I'm currently learning:

