tye / techether

Resource bank for various methods of learning technologies and subjects. You can post your resources used to learn a subject and review it.

Home Page:http://techether.com

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This website is to be used as a bank of resources used to learn various technologies and subjects. You are able to signup for a profile where you can add subjects and various learning material you are using to learn any programming language or framework. You are able to give a rating to all posted resources and if it was good recommend it to others. With so many different ways to learn specific technologies this will be a way to filter out the less useful ones and focus on only the best material.

This application is using Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap and Sass.

Database: MySQL for both development and production.

address: http://www.techether.com

Feel free to create an account and play around with the mechanics of adding and rating resources.


For those of you who would like to contribute to the project, here is a nice setup guide for you after you fork the repository. Thank you PJonestown for putting this together:

$ touch config/database.yml

common: &common
  adapter: mysql2
  encoding: utf8
  reconnect: true
  pool: 5
  username: root
  host: ''

  <<: *common
  database: techether_development

  <<: *common
  database: techether_test

Then comment out all lines referencing devise


# resources :users, only: [:show]
# devise_for :users, :controllers => { registrations: 'registrations' }


#   devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable,
#        :recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable, :validatable

$ rails g devise:install

Uncomment out the lines

$ rake db:setup

This will give an error for a missing devise secret key. Copy and paste that key into config/initializers/devise.rb

$ touch config/secrets.yml

  secret_key_base: **secret key**


Resource bank for various methods of learning technologies and subjects. You can post your resources used to learn a subject and review it.


License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 47.5%Language:HTML 31.7%Language:CSS 13.8%Language:JavaScript 7.0%