tychovdo / lila

Code for "Invariance Learning in Deep Neural Networks with Differentiable Laplace Approximations"

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Learning Invariances with Laplace Approximations (LILA)

A convenient gradient-based method for selecting the data augmentation without validation data and during training of a deep neural network. Code accompanying the paper:

"Invariance Learning in Deep Neural Networks with Differentiable Laplace Approximations"
Alexander Immer*, Tycho F.A. van der Ouderaa*, Vincent Fortuin, Gunnar Rätsch, Mark van der Wilk.
In NeurIPS 2022.

*: equal contribution

LILA on Transformed MNIST Datasets

LILA Illustration


Python 3.8 is required.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Create directory for results: mkdir results in the root of the project.

Install custom Laplace and ASDL

pip install git+https://github.com/kazukiosawa/asdfghjkl.git@dev-alex
pip install git+https://github.com/AlexImmer/Laplace.git@lila

Example runs

Run Illustrative Example and Plot Predictive

python classification_illustration.py --method avgfunc --approximation_structure kron --curvature_type ggn --n_epochs 500 --n_obs 200 --rotation_max 120 --sigma_noise 0.06 --n_samples_aug 100 --rotation_init 0 --optimize_aug --plot --posterior_predictive --lr_aug 0.005 --lr_aug_min 0.00001

Example of ResNet on CIFAR-10

To run LILA:

python classification_image.py --dataset cifar10 --model resnet_8_8 --approx ggn_kron --n_epochs 200 --batch_size 250 --marglik_batch_size 125 --partial_batch_size 50 --lr 0.1 --n_epochs_burnin 10 --n_hypersteps 100 --n_hypersteps_prior 4 --lr_aug 0.05 --lr_aug_min 0.005 --use_jvp --method avgfunc --n_samples_aug 20 --optimize_aug --download

Example of MLP on translated MNIST

To run LILA:

python classification_image.py --method avgfunc --dataset translated_mnist --n_epochs 1000 --device cuda --n_samples_aug 31 --save --optimize_aug --approx ggn_kron --use_jvp --batch_size 1000 --download

To run Augerino:

python classification_image.py --method augerino --dataset translated_mnist --n_epochs 1000 --device cuda --n_samples_aug 31 --save --optimize_aug --approx ggn_kron --batch_size 1000 --seed 1 --download

To run non-invariant baseline:

python classification_image.py --method avgfunc --dataset translated_mnist --n_epochs 1000 --device cuda --n_samples_aug 1 --save --approx ggn_kron --batch_size 1000 --seed 1 --download


All experiments in the paper can be replicated using runscripts in


If you do run into issues, please get in touch so we can provide support.


Code for "Invariance Learning in Deep Neural Networks with Differentiable Laplace Approximations"


Language:Shell 79.4%Language:Python 20.6%