tychon / mails

Store your mails in a CouchDB and view them with mutt. Supports searching by metadata.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This project is NOT in Python 3
This file is NOT in markdown :D

Special prerequisite: lrparsing module:

You can organize your configurations on diferent systems by creating
branches for every host / user. Then you can pull in changes and propagate
diffs easily by cherry-picking commits.
But be aware, that your passwords are in the configs!
You sould never commit them :-D (like i did accidentally).
For this reason in the .gitignore is config_passwd.py
Do 'from config_passwd import *' at the end of your config.py
and then put 'couchdb_auth=...' into config_passwd.py


* support adding labels to mail by editing header with Labels: field
* write full text search indexing
* Add GPG signed and encrypted to autolabelling
* Add license conforming lrparsing.py license
* use '#!/usr/bin/env python' as shebang
* nice -h command line args
* Documentation
* Write User guide (mostly for myself :-D)

* Contacts book
  For decoding display names see:


* Python Scripts
* Database
* Search Queries
* Labelling
* Python Logging

Python Scripts

For a more specific documentation see the documentation leading the scripts.
Most of the executable scripts are also modules you can include.

## Executable
* upload
  Parse and upload a single mail and its metadata.
* search
  Search for mail hashes by metadata.
* download
  Download mails with given hashes.
* read
  Execute a command for every file in a mbox / Maildir.
* view
  Start mutt for local mailbox and upload metadata of changed mails when mutt
* changes
  Listen to _changes API and execute commands on new mail.
  Or setup continuous replication with --setup-continuous
* delete
  Delete documents with given hashes.
* conflict
  Solve conflicts by selecting one winner basing on metadata.
* reprocess
  Reprocess all or selection of documents in database to correct labels or
  keyword index.

## Modules only
* config
  Configurations for logs, the CouchDB connection and other things.
* common
  Sets up global logging system and offers miscellaneous functions.
* labels
  Parse autolabelling file and add labels to parsed metadata.
* parseaddr
  Parse address list in From: and To: header field according to 5322
* searchqueryparser
  Parse search queries for search.py

## Other Modules

* lrparsing
  Module by Russell Stuart under GPLv2, or any later version.


## Document format

doc_id: sha256 hash of whole mail as in 'data' field
type: 'mail'
upload_date: date UTC, when the mail was uploaded in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
            `date "+%Y-%M-%d %H:%m:%S"` i.e. 2013-12-08 11:12:42
labels: list of unique label names, all lowercase

date: date UTC given in mail, in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
from: array of email addresses of senders, all lowercase
to: array of email addresses of receivers, all lowercase
subject: string containing subject

original message as standalone attachment in named 'mail'
  with content-type: text/plain

## Database Views

The design document is saved under /_design-post
Upload it to your DB with curl or on any other way.


Emits one entry for every sender in From: field of a mail.
So you can search with
Key: one address spec
Value: doc


Emits one entry for every recipient in To: field of a mail.
Key: one address spec
Value: doc


Emits one entry for every label listed in doc.labels .
Key: one label string
Value: doc


A unique list of all labels used in all doc.labels .
Functions: Map & Reduce
Key: Null
Value: List of all labels


All mails labeled "unread".
Functions: Map
Key: date
Value: flags

Search Queries

#TODO write doc for search queries


In config.py the configuration
autolabels = 'PATH'
you can put a file with rules to add labels to metadata while parsing mails.

The file is made of sections, every section separated by a single newline.
The section header '[spam]' gives the name of the label to be added.
Then the rules follow.
A rule is made up of a keyword FROM, TO, DATE or LABEL followed by a colon and
a regular expression enclosed in slashes. Example:



This one marks all mails from update.*@facebook.* as spam and all mails that
are from info@twitter.com in the year 2014. (This rule is somehow questionable)
A label is added, if every rule in a section matched the metadata.
To achieve a OR conjunction create multiple sections for the same label as seen

If you want to check a autolabelling config file for sanity, do:

$ python
> import labels
> l = labels.Labeller('PATH')
> print l.check({'from':['john.doe@example.com'], 'to':['mark.twain@gmx.com'], 'date':'2004-06-30 00:03:57'})

There you can also check, if your rules work. The result should be an array
containing the labels.

Python Logging

By importing the python module common the logging system is set up globally.
A logger 'stderr' is created for output to stderr.
A logger 'none' is create for ignoring any logging made.
Any other logger automatically writes to stderr and the error log defined in
config.errorlog = 'PATH'
The sys.excepthook is set, so that any exception not catched is written to
stderr and the error log. Then the program exits with code 1.


Store your mails in a CouchDB and view them with mutt. Supports searching by metadata.


Language:Python 100.0%