ty969975553 / Swift-Vision-OCR

OCR using Vision in UI and Command for Apple platforms.

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OCR using Vision in UI and Command for Apple platforms.


This is an OCR for image for all Apple platforms, like iPad, iPhone, Mac and Apple TV. Not only in app, but also in commandline. Because it uses Vision, so it just support iOS 11, iPad OS 11, macOS 10.13, tvOS 11 and newer versions.


If you want to see OCR in App, please open OCR-SwiftUI and click OCR-SwiftUI.xcodeproj. Maybe you need modify the Team in Signing & Capabilities to fix the error of building.

ocr display

If you want to use OCR in Termial, please compile the ocr.swift using:

$ swiftc -o ocr ocr.swift

And you can use ./ocr to recognize text from images. I prepare some images in testImage for you to try, so you can see:

$ ./ocr testImage/info.png 
创建时间:1970年1月1日星期四 08:00
修改时间:1980年1月1日星期二 00:00
容量:511.88 GB
已使用:211,106,529,280字节 (磁盘上的
211.11 GB)


There are some articles maybe you want to read: SwiftUI和Swift命令行中如何使用Vision来识别获取图片(image)中的文字(OCR),以及一系列注意事项: This is a blog to discribe the details of this project and more tests about Vision OCR.

Codes for the Representation of Names of Languages: This is table of ISO Language Code, maybe you need to know for change codes.


OCR using Vision in UI and Command for Apple platforms.


Language:Swift 100.0%