txchen / n2ntray

put n2n into your systray

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


I was planning to write a simple wrapper of n2n edge on windows. Then I found this repo: https://github.com/rexdf/CommandTrayHost so I decided to stop reinventing the wheel.

I built the n2n edge binary myself, using the latest commit of https://github.com/meyerd/n2n


Download the release binary, extract into a local dir, for example: d:\n2ntray. Edit the config.json, based on your situation.

Then install tapdriver\n2neg_install_v1.0.exe, we need the TAP driver but we are not using this program.

Run the CommandTrayHost.exe, manually start n2n in the tray menu, or make it autostart.


put n2n into your systray