tx00100xt / serioussam-packages

This repository contains ready-to-install packages for games Serious Sam The First Encounter and Serious Sam The Second Encounter along with modifications.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Serious Sam Packages.

This repository contains ready-to-install packages for games Serious Sam The First Encounter and Serious Sam The Second Encounter along with modifications. See Wiki for a description of the modification.

You can read detailed information on building packages for the game and add-ons on the Wiki:


Note: Ready made packages you can install from launchpad.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tx00100xt/serioussam
sudo apt update

This PPA can be added to your system manually by copying the lines below and adding them to your system's software sources.

deb https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/tx00100xt/serioussam/ubuntu YOUR_UBUNTU_VERSION_HERE main 
deb-src https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/tx00100xt/serioussam/ubuntu YOUR_UBUNTU_VERSION_HERE main 

The repository contains packages for "jammy", "kinetic" and "lunar" After adding the repository, run the commands:

sudo apt install serioussamclassic serioussamclassic-xplus serioussam-alpha


sudo apt install serioussamclassic-vk serioussamclassic-xplus serioussam-alpha


Build flags: -mtune=generic

Build flags: -march=armv8-a+crc+fp+simd -mcpu=cortex-a53 -ftree-vectorize -fomit-frame-pointer

Build flags: -march=armv8-a+crc+fp+simd -mcpu=cortex-a72 -ftree-vectorize -fomit-frame-pointer


Build flags: -march=armv8-a+crc+fp+simd -mcpu=cortex-a72 -ftree-vectorize -fomit-frame-pointer



Build flags: -mtune=generic


Build flags: -mtune=generic


Build flags: -mtune=generic

Raspberry Pi OS. (bullseye)

Raspberry Pi 3B/3B+

Build flags: -march=armv8-a+crc -mcpu=cortex-a53 -mfpu=neon-fp-armv8 -mfloat-abi=hard -ftree-vectorize -fomit-frame-pointer

Build flags: -march=armv8-a+crc+fp+simd -mcpu=cortex-a53 -ftree-vectorize -fomit-frame-pointer

Note: Raspberry Pi 3 users need to delete "Levels/KarnakDemo.wld" and "Levels/DeathMatch/DesertTemple.wld" files before starting Serious Sam Classic: The First Encounter to avoid running out of memory.

Raspberry Pi 4/400

Build flags: -march=armv8-a+crc -mcpu=cortex-a72 -mfpu=neon-fp-armv8 -mfloat-abi=hard -ftree-vectorize -fomit-frame-pointer

Build flags: -march=armv8-a+crc+fp+simd -mcpu=cortex-a72 -ftree-vectorize -fomit-frame-pointer

Fedora 38

Build flags: -mtune=generic


Fedora 39

Build flags: -march=armv8-a+crc+fp+simd -mcpu=cortex-a72 -ftree-vectorize -fomit-frame-pointer


ALT Linux

Note: You can also download ready-made packages for ALT Linux in the club repository: http://altlinuxclub.ru/repo/repo.html

Build flags: -mtune=generic

Build flags: -mtune=generic

Build flags: -march=armv8-a+crc+fp+simd -mcpu=cortex-a53 -ftree-vectorize -fomit-frame-pointer

Build flags: -march=armv8-a+crc+fp+simd -mcpu=cortex-a72 -ftree-vectorize -fomit-frame-pointer


Note for Raspberry Pi users:

Known bugs and how to solve them.

  1. Game Serious Sam The Second Encounter freeze on the splash screen when you select New Game in the menu. The solution is to edit or create a new

file with the line

sam_strFirstLevel = "Levels\\LevelsMP\\1_1_Palenque.wld;
  1. Modification of Serios Sam Alpha Remake freeze on the splash screen at startup. The solution is to edit or create a new

file with the line

sam_strIntroLevel = "";

Location of game data, user data, and data modifications.

These packages use the paths:

~/.local/share/Serious-Engine/serioussam/ - for TFE
~/.local/share/Serious-Engine/serioussamse/ - for TSE

Mod Data:

~/.local/share/Serious-Engine/serioussam/Mods/"Mod name" - for TFE
~/.local/share/Serious-Engine/serioussamse/Mods/"Mod name" - for TSE

User data, such as game settings, log, saves, demos will be located in:

~/.local/share/Serious-Engine/serioussam/ - for TFE
~/.local/share/Serious-Engine/serioussamse/ - for TSE

Package Build Templates.

Modifications resources.


Download from command promt.

Getting Aplha Remake Data.

wget https://archive.org/download/serious-sam-alpha-remake-mod-data/SeriousSamAlphaRemake_v1.5.7z
7z x -o~/.local/share/Serious-Engine/serioussam SeriousSamAlphaRemake_v1.5.7z


for var in a b c d; do wget https://github.com/tx00100xt/serioussam-mods/raw/main/SamTFE-SSA/SeriousSamAlphaRemake_v1.5.tar.xz.parta$var; done; cat SeriousSamAlphaRemake_v1.5.tar.xz.part* > SeriousSamAlphaRemake_v1.5.tar.xz

Note you must remove the libraries contained in the archive after unpacking the archive

tar -xJvpf SeriousSamAlphaRemake_v1.5.tar.xz 
rm Mods/SSA/Bin/libEntities.so
rm Mods/SSA/Bin/libGame.so
mkdir ~/.local/share/Serious-Engine/serioussam/Mods
cp -vfr Mods/* ~/.local/share/Serious-Engine/serioussam/Mods
rm -rf Mods

Getting XPLUS Data.

wget https://archive.org/download/sam-tfe-xplus/SamTFE-XPLUS.tar.xz

wget https://archive.org/download/sam-tse-xplus/SamTSE-XPLUS.tar.xz


for var in a b c; do wget https://github.com/tx00100xt/serioussam-mods/raw/main/SamTFE-XPLUS/SamTFE-XPLUS.tar.xz.parta$var; done; cat SamTFE-XPLUS.tar.xz.part* > SamTFE-XPLUS.tar.xz

for var in a b c; do wget https://github.com/tx00100xt/serioussam-mods/raw/main/SamTSE-XPLUS/SamTSE-XPLUS.tar.xz.parta$var; done; cat SamTSE-XPLUS.tar.xz.part* > SamTSE-XPLUS.tar.xz
tar -xJvpf SamTFE-XPLUS.tar.xz
cp -vfr Mods/* ~/.local/share/Serious-Engine/serioussam/Mods
rm -rf Mods
tar -xJvpf SamTSE-XPLUS.tar.xz
mkdir ~/.local/share/Serious-Engine/serioussamse/Mods
cp -vfr Mods/* ~/.local/share/Serious-Engine/serioussamse/Mods
rm -rf Mods

Game resources.

To start the game, you'll need the original resurces of a licensed copy of Serious Sam: The First Encounter and Serious Sam: The Second Encounter.

Steam version.

If you have a digital copy of the game on Steam then the resources can be found in ~/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Serious Sam Classic The Second Encounter/ (the default Steam game installation directory on Linux).

rsync --progress -rh "$HOME/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Serious Sam Classic The First Encounter/" "$HOME/.local/share/Serious-Engine/serioussam"
rsync --progress -rh "$HOME/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Serious Sam Classic The Second Encounter/" "$HOME/.local/share/Serious-Engine/serioussamse"

GOG version.

If you bought a digital on GOG, you can unpack the resources with the innoextract CLI tool. To install innoextract via your package manager, run:

sudo apt-get install innoextract

Copy files "setup_serious_sam_the_first_encounter_2.0.0.10.exe" and "setup_serious_sam_the_second_encounter_2.1.0.8.exe" to a home directory and run the following commands:

cd ~/.
innoextract --gog setup_serious_sam_the_first_encounter_2.0.0.10.exe
cp -vfr "app/"{*.gro,Levels,Help} ~/.local/share/Serious-Engine/serioussam
rm setup_serious_sam_the_first_encounter_2.0.0.10.exe
rm -rf app
rm -rf tmp
innoextract --gog setup_serious_sam_the_second_encounter_2.1.0.8.exe
cp -vfr "app/"{*.gro,Levels,Help} ~/.local/share/Serious-Engine/serioussamse
rm setup_serious_sam_the_first_encounter_2.0.0.10.exe
rm -rf app
rm -rf tmp
rm -rf commonappdata

Physical version.

If you bought a physical copy of the game and you have an ISO of your disk, you can unpack the resources with the any archive manager. Game resources are located in the Install directory of the disk. Just copy all the *.gro files from there, as well as the Levels directory to directories ~/.local/share/Serious-Engine/serioussam and ~/.local/share/Serious-Engine/serioussamse, respectively, for games Serious Sam: The First Encounter and Serious Sam: The Second Encounter.


This repository contains ready-to-install packages for games Serious Sam The First Encounter and Serious Sam The Second Encounter along with modifications.

License:GNU General Public License v2.0